
Don’t Run Out of Money by David J. Seibel

Dont run out of money by David J Seibel

How to Plan and Invest for Retirement Success

Ready or not, retirement is coming. Will you be ready? While many people think success will come from focusing on the markets and the balance in their retirement accounts, Don’t Run Out of Money will show the reader that the key to achieving retirement success is creating, executing, and following a comprehensive financial plan based on your goals for the retirement you imagine. This book will teach you the complete process for retirement planning, including how to manage the various risks that can derail your plans, the proper use of financial products and how to get the help you need.


In these pages you’ll discover:



    • The 12 questions you must ask an advisor to determine what they do, who they really work for and how you can ensure you get the advice you need


    • The dangers in taking shortcuts, following outdated rules-of-thumb, and relying on online retirement calculators or quickie financial planning tools


    • The one goal that must be included in the planning process


    • The risks that are far more dangerous to your plan than market risk


  • And much more to ensure you Don’t Run Out of Money