
Literary fiction

Words, it’s all about the words. And atmosphere. And style. Reading this genre is reading for form.


Literary Fiction Genre

Book Cover: The Cedar by Carmen Butler
The Cedar by Carmen Butler
Book Cover: Butterfly Bones by Savanna Redman
Butterfly Bones by Savanna Redman
Book Cover: Learning to Stutter by Sherm Davis
Learning to Stutter by Sherm Davis
Book Cover: London 1963 & Other Stories by Stephen Winter
London 1963 & Other Stories by Stephen Winter
Book Cover: The Sundial Salesman by Chassis Albuquerque
The Sundial Salesman by Chassis Albuquerque
Book Cover: The Land of Grim by Abdul Kamara
The Land of Grim by Abdul Kamara
Book Cover: Swaying by Lucinda Blanchard
Swaying by Lucinda Blanchard
Book Cover: The Poem-Skull by JM Hushour
The Poem-Skull by JM Hushour
Book Cover: Shadow by Aris Austin
Shadow by Aris Austin
Book Cover: The Guru's Touch by Robert G Schneider
The Guru's Touch by Robert G Schneider
Book Cover: For Beau by Simon Gandossi
For Beau by Simon Gandossi
Book Cover: Seven Eleven Forgotten and Other Stories by Barnaby Hazen
Seven Eleven Forgotten and Other Stories by Barnaby Hazen
Book Cover: The Agenda: Prologue by Jose Carbonell
The Agenda: Prologue by Jose Carbonell
Book Cover: Stealing Love by H. Schreter
Stealing Love by H. Schreter
Book Cover: Killing the Devil by Paul Michael Peters
Killing the Devil by Paul Michael Peters
Book Cover: Blood of the Wolf by Steven A. McKay
Blood of the Wolf by Steven A. McKay
Book Cover: Milkman by Kelvin C. Bias
Milkman by Kelvin C. Bias
Book Cover: Expiry Date: Not The End By Anita S J
Expiry Date: Not The End By Anita S J
Book Cover: WTF by Tim Rees
WTF by Tim Rees
Book Cover: The Cedar by Carmen Butler
The Cedar by Carmen Butler
Book Cover: Cole's Creek by Kenneth H Hall
Cole's Creek by Kenneth H Hall
Book Cover: Insensible Loss by Paul Michael Peters
Insensible Loss by Paul Michael Peters
Book Cover: THE BEAUTIFUL YEARS by Katia Lief
Book Cover: The Puppeteer by Cory Bradbury
The Puppeteer by Cory Bradbury
Book Cover: I HAVE LIVED TODAY by Steven Moore
I HAVE LIVED TODAY by Steven Moore
Book Cover: THE NICEMAN by Clarence Benedict Romero
THE NICEMAN by Clarence Benedict Romero
Book Cover: The Forebear’s Candle by Clive S. Johnson
The Forebear’s Candle by Clive S. Johnson
Book Cover: WEATHERHEAD by JM Hushour
Book Cover: Twisted Proposal by M.V. Miles
Twisted Proposal by M.V. Miles
Book Cover: Before the Snow Falls by Michael James
Before the Snow Falls by Michael James
Book Cover: The Canonical Five: Real deaths, fictional lives by Ricardo Benassi
The Canonical Five: Real deaths, fictional lives by Ricardo Benassi
Book Cover: Unbreak Their Hearts by Donna Welch Jones
Unbreak Their Hearts by Donna Welch Jones
Book Cover: A Wave From Mama by A. Robert Allen
A Wave From Mama by A. Robert Allen
Book Cover: The Harlem Renaissance Time Traveler's Diary by Lashonda Beauregard
The Harlem Renaissance Time Traveler's Diary by Lashonda Beauregard
Book Cover: Rupert by KayeC Jones & Russ Hughes
Rupert by KayeC Jones & Russ Hughes
Book Cover: Joshua's Island by Patrick Hodges
Joshua's Island by Patrick Hodges
Book Cover: The Trial of Vanessa Anderson by Thomas Williams
The Trial of Vanessa Anderson by Thomas Williams
Book Cover: The Lost Journal - historical fiction by Chris Blewitt
The Lost Journal - historical fiction by Chris Blewitt
Book Cover: Matter Of Life And Death by Brian Tate
Matter Of Life And Death by Brian Tate
Book Cover: Forefathers & Founding Fathers by Michael Gorton
Forefathers & Founding Fathers by Michael Gorton
Book Cover: Bride on the Run by Milan Watson
Bride on the Run by Milan Watson
Book Cover: Through the Gates by A.V. Schmidlin
Through the Gates by A.V. Schmidlin
Book Cover: Didn't Get Frazzled by David Z Hirsch
Didn't Get Frazzled by David Z Hirsch
Book Cover: Graduation by Robert Brooks Jr.
Graduation by Robert Brooks Jr.
Book Cover: Twice as Long, Half as Bright by J.D. Turner
Twice as Long, Half as Bright by J.D. Turner
Book Cover: Surviving the Fatherland by Annette Oppenlander
Surviving the Fatherland by Annette Oppenlander
Book Cover: High Season by Chazzy Patel
High Season by Chazzy Patel
Book Cover: Boko Haram Bride: My Time in a Terrorist Hell by Mary Martha Davis
Boko Haram Bride: My Time in a Terrorist Hell by Mary Martha Davis
Book Cover: Hawkins Bay by James Porteous
Hawkins Bay by James Porteous
Book Cover: Just Finn by Paz Ellis
Just Finn by Paz Ellis
Hip Hop
Clout: Hip Hop Narratives by Quincy Lucas
Book Cover: Miss Sally by Robert Joe Stout
Miss Sally by Robert Joe Stout
Book Cover: Rise to Power by Uvi Poznansky
Rise to Power by Uvi Poznansky
historical fiction on Kindle
Wolf's Head by Steven A. McKay
Book Cover: Love in Times of War by Susan Jean Ricci
Love in Times of War by Susan Jean Ricci
Book Cover: Hand In The Till by Gerald Hansen
Hand In The Till by Gerald Hansen
Book Cover: Of Dust and Tides by A.G. Russo
Of Dust and Tides by A.G. Russo
Book Cover: Legacy of Hunger by Christy Nicholas
Legacy of Hunger by Christy Nicholas
Book Cover: The Confessions of Socrates by R. L. Prendergast
The Confessions of Socrates by R. L. Prendergast
Failed moments
Failed Moments by A. Robert Allen
Book Cover: Twisted Virtues: Complicated Matters by Tamir A. Shaw
Twisted Virtues: Complicated Matters by Tamir A. Shaw
Book Cover: Revenge Fires Back by JR Thompson
Revenge Fires Back by JR Thompson
Book Cover: Glimpse Creature vol. 5 by Lisa Mathisen
Glimpse Creature vol. 5 by Lisa Mathisen
Book Cover: American Zeroes by John DiFelice
American Zeroes by John DiFelice
Book Cover: Secret Memoirs of Mary Shelley by Michael January
Secret Memoirs of Mary Shelley by Michael January
Book Cover: London for Immigrant suckers by Kolya S.
London for Immigrant suckers by Kolya S.
Book Cover: Rise of the Wolf by Steven A. McKay
Rise of the Wolf by Steven A. McKay
Book Cover: The Breathing Sea I: Burning by E.P. Clark
The Breathing Sea I: Burning by E.P. Clark
Book Cover: Refugee by Reece Pocock
Refugee by Reece Pocock
Book Cover: Eagles and Hawks and Also People As Well by Frank Marcopolos
Eagles and Hawks and Also People As Well by Frank Marcopolos
Book Cover: Model Marine by Sondra Sykes Meek
Model Marine by Sondra Sykes Meek
All But What's Left by Carrie Mumford
All but what's left by Carrie Mumford
A wave from Mama by A Robert Allen
A Wave From Mama by A. Robert Allen
Twenty Miles West of Branch, Texas and other stories by K. C. Knouse
Twenty Miles West of Branch, Texas and other stories by K. C. Knouse
The Preservationists by Jason Daniels
The Preservationists by Jason Daniels
The Crest (The Prophesy Saga Book 1) by Jerena Tobiasen
The Crest by Jerena Tobiasen
Everybody's Somebody: A woman's fight for her rights and her future by Beryl Kingston
Everybody's Somebody by Beryl Kingston
The Orchard's Offspring by Eriksen W. Dickens Illustrated by Omar Salinas
The Orchard's Offspring by Eriksen W. Dickens
Kitchen Canary Joanne Parsons
Kitchen Canary by Joanne Parsons
The Crossroads of Logan Michaels by James M. Roberts
The Crossroads of Logan Michaels by James M. Roberts
Zo by Leanne Owens
ZO by Leanne Owens
Goddess of Battle by Gwendolyn Rachel Ackerman
Goddess of Battle by Gwendolyn Rachel Ackerman
The Grass Sweeper God by Dough Howery
The Grass Sweeper God by Dough Howery
Lights on the Sea by Miquel Reina
Lights on the Sea by Miguel Reina
A cross of Crocuses by Ken Ross
A Cross of Crocuses by Ken Ross
Tali Nohkati by Koza Belleli
Tali Nohkati, The Great Crossing by Koza Belleli
The Dodo Knight by Michelle Rene
The Dodo Knight by Michelle Rene
Blue Rider by Lily Ennis
Blue Rider by Lily Ennis
The Ballot farm Lily Ennis
The Ballot Farm by Lily Ennis
The year of the rabbit
The Year of the Rabbit by Stephanie Taylor
Sands Rising: The California Ballot Killings Book I by H. M. Wilhelmborn
Sands Rising by H. M. Wilhelmborn
A Rose Has Cried but Has Not Died: How I Survived by Norma Okun
A Rose Has Cried but Has Not Died by Norma Okun
When we were Brave
When We Were Brave by Karla M. Jay
Poems about love and other dangerous things
Poems About Love & Other Dangerous Things by M Torez
Killing the girl
Killing The Girl by Elizabeth Hill
Bookquarium Magazine
Bookquarium Magazine Volume 1  by Frank Marcopolos and Q.R. Maber
The gentle art of forgetting
The Gentle Art Of Forgetting by Richard Easter
Fredrich stanley cockroach
Fredrick Stanley Cockroach by Keith Kauffmann
False fathers
False Fathers by Tam May
After Olympus
After Olympus by Santiago Xaman
City in a forest
City in a Forest by Ginger Pinholster
White noise
White Noise by Brooke Closson
The pen and its author
The Pen and Its Author by John Bourgeois
The fat lady's low sad song
The Fat Lady's Low, Sad Song by Brian Kaufman
The tortilla star
The Tortilla Star by Abbey Carpenter
Passions by Gabriela Marie Milton
Emotives by Janelle Barker
The last carriage
The Last Carriage by Alex J. Milan
Death of a Telanovela star
Death of a Telenovela Star by Teresa Dovalpage
Slavery and beyond
Slavery and Beyond by A. Robert Allen
Miserable existence
Miserable Existence by Daniel Trump
The silver baron's wife
The Silver Baron's Wife by Donna Baier Stein
The wake
The Wake by NP Cuniffe
The chimera of prague
The Chimera of Prague by Rick Pryll
Midpoint by Andrew Bayroff
Third eye lucidity
Third Eye Lucidity by Jerald Albritton
Written by D.A. Lee
Dandelions by Tam May
Resistance revolution
Resistance, Revolution & Other Love Stories by K.
A rainy day in melbourne
A Rainy Day In Melbourne by David Lloyd Thomas
Jenny on the street
Jenny on the Street by David Haldane
Sundays by A. Robert Allen
The great kickindog
The 'GREAT' Kickin'dog by Kenneth A. Crutchfield Sr
My love affair with Manhattan
My Love Affair with Manhattan by Joanie Strulowitz
In the future this will not be necessary
In the future this will not be necessary by Paul Samael
Where fish can breathe
Where Fish Can Breathe by Tricia D. Wagner
The last refuge
The Last Refugee by Zahara Schara
Stirrings of the soul
Stirrings of the Soul by Linda Trulove
once when we were human
Once When We Were Human by David Swan
The beautiful ugly by James Snyder
The Beautiful-Ugly by James Snyder
Castlerock Kingdom (Generation Z Book 1) by Andrew Boyd
Castlerock Kingdom by Andrew Boyd
Euphoric wonderland
PEARLGATE by Damon Russo
Species of one
SPECIES of ONE: A Novel by Matt McMahon
50 States
50 States by Richard Becker
Renner's reboot
Renner's Reboot by John M. McNamara
Ray of Hope by Mark Hamilton
Ray of Hope by Mark Hamilton
Burning and dodging
Burning and Dodging: A Novel by Julie Wittes
Heimat by Paul Marzell
Time intertwined
Time Intertwined by Kaylon Tran
The sound of wings by Suzanne Simonetti
The Sound of Wings by Suzanne Simonetti
Sydney's promise
Sydney's Promise: A Novel by David R McKay
Book Cover: Tales of the Late Twentieth Century by James Snyder
Tales of the Late Twentieth Century by James Snyder
Say what now
Say What Now?: Literary travel fiction by JG Foster
Fifty three weeks
Fifty-Three Weeks by Dale Stohre
The humbling by Robert J Tiess
The Humbling and Other Poems by Robert Tiess
When you get older by Gabriel Gaiusbayode
When You Get Older by Gabriel Gaiusbayade
Book Cover: The Kings of Camelot by Ryan Gaskin
The Kings of Camelot by Ryan Gaskin
Book Cover: Selections from The Humbling & Other Poems by R J Tiess
Selections from The Humbling & Other Poems by R J Tiess
A drinker's poems by C.O.B.
A Drinker's Poems, Thoughts and Dialogue by C.O.B.
Ruin by Leigh Seippel
Ruin: A Novel of Flyfishing in Bankruptcy by Leigh Sieppel
Alice in wonderland by lit fusion
Alice in Wonderland by Lit Fusion
The longest spring by PD Sherrard
The Longest Spring: Historical wartime fiction by PD Sherrard
Malcolm from a distance by Edward Garnett
$0.99 until November 26
Call numbers by Syntell smith
Call Numbers: Not So Quiet Life of Librarians by S Smith
Sonnets from suburbia by Penny Peyser
Sonnets From Suburbia by Penny Peyser
The hidden pull by Theo Polo
The Hidden Pull by Theo Polo
Everything Here Belongs to You
Everything Here Belongs To You by Saborna Roychowdhury
Pieces of me by Cyndee
Pieces of Me - Touch my Soul by Cyndee Dhalai
James and elle by Casey Rae
James & Elle by Casey Rae
The other shoes of larry martin by pavanne ravel
The Other Shoes of Larry Martin: Book 2 by Pavane Ravel
Rise to the horizon by Hyunah Kim
Rise to the Horizon by Hyunah Kim
Embrace the Now by Maria Kitsios
Embrace the Now by Maria Kitsios
Amateurs by Gill Oliver
Amateurs: Family drama by Gill Oliver
Jasmine in her hair by Kalpesh Desai
Jasmines In Her Hair: Poetry by Kalpesh Desai