
Insensible Loss by Paul Michael Peters

Book Cover: Insensible Loss by Paul Michael Peters
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What if you could live forever? The only catch to immortality is that you have to trade turns living with your lover.

When Olivia becomes a volunteer at St. John’s hospital for NODA (No One Dies Alone), her first patient is Viktor Erikson, an elderly man whose hand she is to hold until, hopefully, a family member arrives.

In the last hours of his life, Viktor asks Olivia to read aloud the ancient leather-bound book he carries with him always, The Ethics of Immortality. As Olivia begins reading the story of Viktor and Morgana Erikson—who sail the seas, find adventure, and plan to live together forever—she assumes that it is a fictionalized account of her patient’s ancestors. After all, how could the same Viktor be alive in both 1839 and now in 2053?

But the deeper Olivia delves into the story, the more she begins to question. Could this be the same Viktor? Is Morgana coming to save him? And did they really discover the water of life?