The Devil’s Locket by Roger David Francis

A supernatural story about Lilith, a mysterious woman on a mission to collect the souls of those found in possession of a deadly locket.
The locket existed in a different place and time.
Those who wore it believed it belonged to them. They were wrong. It had been placed in their possession for one reason only; to pay the price of sin.
The devil never intended it to be worn by good people. It existed for a darker purpose, to collect souls already blackened and damaged beyond repair. And with so many broken spirits to choose from, evil was easily sought out.
The Devil didn't operate alone.
Death was a family business.
His daughter had a mission and nothing would stop her. Time was no object to evil, for the locket only existed to ensure the souls of the guilty and often innocent, did not escape the devil's appetite.
Throughout history Lilith wandered never slowing, focused on her goal. Drawn by the locket her mission was relentless.
Those who met Lilith sensed the darkness and were frightened, very frightened. And rightly so, for Lilith always got what she came for. Your soul to keep!