

Addressing the jury by Ronald Clark
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Addressing the Jury: Opening Statement and Closing Argument offers an in-depth explanation of how to craft a winning opening statement and summation and how to persuasively deliver them to a jury. Author Ronald H. Clark was a career prosecutor in King County, Washington, Senior Training Counsel at the National Advocacy Center, and he is currently a Distinguished Practitioner in Residence at Seattle University Law School where he has taught trial advocacy, pretrial advocacy, essential lawyering skills and visual litigation and technology.

Inside this accessible and comprehensive handbook, you’ll learn:

  • How to structure a persuasive opening statement and closing argument
  • Compelling storytelling techniques for a “golden opportunity” opening statement
  • Attention-grabbing beginnings for an opening statement and closing argument
  • How to deal with case weaknesses in an opening statement
  • Strong concluding remarks for an opening statement and closing argument
  • Closing argument pitfalls to avoid
  • How to be a great persuader utilizing Aristotelian arguments and speech devices
  • How to bring your opening statement and closing argument alive with visual aids
  • 8 techniques for being a great persuader—having a winning delivery
  • Trial attorney role models for you to consider emulating
  • Triumphing over nervousness

Give the best opening statement and closing argument possible, pick up your copy today.