
Amazing Sports Stories for Kids by Leigh Jordyn

Amazing sports stories for kids by Leigh Jordyn

Unforgettable Moments and Inspirational Athletes That Will Ignite Your Passion for Sports

If you’re looking for the perfect book to inspire your young sports enthusiast, then look no further!

Finally, you have in front of you a book that contains stories of the best athletes in history that will inspire your kids and show them how to handle pressure, overcome challenges, as well as teach them valuable life lessons.

Leigh Jordyn is a mother of 3 boys, all in different levels and sports activities. Through the years, she has seen the challenges her children have experienced because of the pressure of competitive sports. These beloved stories of famous athletes, what they’ve gone through, and how they’ve overcome their challenges have always helped strengthen her kids’ spirits and she’s confident they will help your kids too!

This book includes:

  • A collection of 25 fascinating and inspiring sports stories of the most famous athletes in history written specifically for kids
  • Stories from a variety of sports including football, basketball, baseball, soccer, and more!
  • Fun and easy to read chapters with beautiful illustrations to help bring the stories to life
  • An engaging and entertaining way for kids to learn about the values and lessons that can be learned through sports
  • A source of inspiration for kids who are interested in pursuing sports or other physical activities
  • Motivational quotes in each chapter to inspire your young athlete
  • Tons of entertainment for kids and kids at heart
  • A tool for parents and teachers to use to help kids develop a love for reading and learning


This book is very well written with the young readers in mind. A lot of love and time has been poured into each page to ensure each story captivates the kids’ attention so even those who are not fond of reading will definitely get hooked!

The sports stories that are included in this book highlight the journey and the personal struggles the famous athletes’ had to go through at their young age and what they did to not just overcome those challenges but come out strong in mind, body, and heart. It is very relatable to the young readers and will not just inspire them in their own journey but also increase their sports knowledge.

Let this book be a tool to provide teaching opportunities to your kids in a fun and creative way. “Children are not things to be molded, but people to be unfolded” - Jess Lair. Let Amazing Sports Stories for Kids help you unfold the curiosity, awe, fascination, and determination in your kids!

Seize this incredible opportunity to inspire and motivate your young athlete by ordering your personal copy today and gifting your child the precious present of inspiration!