
An Awakened Life by Julie Hoyle

An awakened life

A Journey of Transformation

An Awakened Life, A Journey of Transformation is the incredible story of a radical, and unexpected spiritual awakening. At the age of thirty-three, Julie Hoyle was a stressed-out, overworked school teacher. Even though she was not conscious of being on a spiritual search, Julie meets a Master Yogi in a lucid dream. He taps her on the top of the head and bestows her with shaktipat, an ancient form of initiation. Julie feels as if she has been hit by lightning. She is right. Her energy is set ablaze. She is blessed with a radical opening of consciousness, activating a wide range of psychic phenomenon, and affecting every aspect of her life. From that point on, nothing is ever the same again. Join Julie as she tells her amazing story. In the telling, she reveals:

*Ancient secrets of initiation
*Mantra repetition and awakening
*The phases and stages of shifts of consciousness
*Lucid dream meetings for guidance and direction
*How to integrate shadow energy
*Shamanic practices to ward off negative forces
*How to initiate out-of-body experiences, and
*Methods to develop intuition, enhance creative growth and discover new pathways for your life.

This is no ordinary story. This book has the power to change the consciousness of the reader. This book will provide spiritual and creative guidance to help you wake up to the true you, discover your purpose and discover what is possible for your life.