Calling Fathers To Arise! by Dr James Rene

Fatherlessness is a worldwide epidemic with tragic consequences! It is the root cause of societal problems, personal crises, and a catalyst for the family breakdown. The absence of godly fathers leaves a cosmic vacuum of spiritual leadership in homes, churches and communities, shrouding God's purpose for His people and the Church's mission in the world.
Calling Fathers to Arise! is a rallying cry to restore hope, healing, and purpose to the fatherless. It's a prophetic call for men to become what God created us to be—godly fathers at home and spiritual fathers to the spiritual fatherless in our church families and communities.
In Calling Fathers to Arise!, you'll learn about:
- God's desire that you know Him as a loving, faithful Father.
- God's design and instructions for you to be a well-equipped successful father in your home.
- God's purpose for spiritual fathers, including practical steps for mentoring the fatherless and young believers in our churches and communities.
- God's call, role, and function of modern apostolic-church fathers.