
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Lawrence Wallace

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Lawrence Wallace

A Practical Guide to Mental and Emotional Freedom!

Feeling lost about how to treat disturbing intrusive thoughts? You’re not alone!

This book contains brilliant advice from a former sufferer of anxiety, depression, and intrusive thoughts. Here is a gift to fellow casualties of negative thought patterns, destructive behaviors, self-loathing, and those wishing freedom from persistent demons. Only by meeting our demons face-to-face can we hope to prevail and achieve inner peace.

Happiness is a Trainable, Attainable Skill!

CBT is the most proven method for treating mental suffering. This book also includes time-tested practices from the world's wisdom traditions, such as Buddhist and Stoic philosophy. Each equips you with specific skills for overcoming depression, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts. Preparing you with lifelong techniques that have stood the test of time and scientific rigor.

Self-compassion is at the heart of CBT. Take a chance on this book today!

Exactly What You Will Learn

How To:

Understand What Makes Your Mind Tick

See The Link Between Spirituality and Self-Help

Confront Anxiety Head-On!

Challenge Unhelpful, Intrusive Thoughts

Build a Better Relationship with Yourself

Break Bad Habits and Enjoy Life!

Optimal Life Management + BONUS Workbook!

Easy One-Click for a Healthier, Happier Mind!

[100% Extra FREE: 10,000+ Words in Your Improved 2nd Edition!]

"Retain the Faith That You Will Prevail in the End, Regardless of the Difficulties. And at the Same Time Confront the Most Brutal Facts of Your Current Reality, Whatever They May Be." James Stockdale.