Rivals Unbound – college erotica by Chloe Jennson

Rachel is young, innocent and looking for love. When she is invited on a date by the handsome, but undependable Karl, she is thrilled. And when their relationship moves to the next level a few weeks later, Rachel is excited and thinks that she has found the man of her dreams.
But it emerges that Karl has filmed them sleeping together, and is now sharing it around his friends at college. Rachel is devastated and turns to her friend, Matt, making her own video in revenge.
Things take a turn, however, when Rachel’s friend Ana realizes she is gay and becomes jealous of Rachel’s relationships. She seduces Karl, causing a rift between them which looks like it will destroy their friendship forever.
When Rachel eventually returns from some time away with Matt and some reassessment of her life, she and Ana find comfort in one another.
Has Rachel suddenly found love in an unexpected place? Is Ana really the one for her? Or will Matt be able to win her back and show her that he is the man for her?