
Couch Potato Fitness by Christina Schnor

Couch potato fitness by Christina schnor

Do you want to be fit but are too lazy do the workout at your gym?

Don’t worry, we’ve all had those moments, including the author of this book.
The fitness industry makes us believe that we need them to get in shape.
We don't.
What we need are the inconvenient truths about why we DON'T go to the gym, and why we stay on the couch.
This book will give you all the knowledge, and a hands-on method to overcome it all.

In Couch Potato Fitness, Christina's extensive experience with running distances from 100 meters to 100K combined with her educational background has produced a perfect training for everyday life.

In this book, you will learn:

  • To enjoy the feeling of being a couch potato!
  • How and why training does not have to take long or be hard to make a big difference.
  • That small changes make a big difference.
  • That consistency is key!

Take control of your health in a fun and easy way.

No need to go to the gym and work complicated sets just to get the results you want.
Filled with Christina's personal experience and extensive knowledge with fitness, Couch Potato Fitness shows you how to keep fit by working smarter, not harder.