Quit Your Job & Travel The World by Anjali Sareen

How many times have you heard the alarm go off on a Monday morning and wanted to hit snooze - and wished you never had to go into work again?
How many times have you drooled over vacation photos on Instagram and Facebook - and wondered how you could live a life like that?
How many times have you dreamed of quitting your job to travel full-time?
You don't have to dream anymore - this book will show you how to do all of that!
In this book you'll learn:
- How to make money to fund your travels
- How to quit your job without burning any bridges
- How to start planning for your new life
- How to find cheap or free accommodations
And so much more!
If you've ever thought of quitting your job to travel the world, this book is a must-read. Soon, you'll be on your way to your new life!