Does God Exist? by Michael McKinney
When Steven Lane walks into the receptionist's office at Wellington University to apply for a maintenance job listed in the newspaper, he is mistaken for Professor Thomas Lane and quickly finds himself led into an auditorium where hundreds of people are seated. All assume he is the main protagonist in the discussion that's about to begin. Far from being embarrassed or intimidated, when he hears the topic to be debated he chooses to embrace the unexpected challenge. The question of whether or not God exists is a subject that Steven Lane has been writing about for several years and the sudden opportunity to speak publicly on the question is irresistible even under the questionable pretense of mistaken identity. Despite the risk and serious potential for embarrassment, when he steps into this unexpected role, it seems as if fate has chosen him and him alone as her advocate. Much more than a stale rehashing of old academic arguments, this story centers on an eloquent and compelling reexamination of questions that are central to religious and moral life. Intellectually rich without being pedantic, this work offers a stimulating reappraisal of traditional religious belief in decidedly nonreligious terms.