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The selfcare workbook by Patty Blue Hayes

The Self Care Workbook for Emotional Healing and Self Discovery After a Breakup: 40 Proven Techniques from Brain Science to Buddhist Wisdom, with Soulful Reflection Questions and Action Steps by Patty Blue Hayes

Are You Searching for Answers on How to Heal Your Heartbreak? This Workbook Helps You Discover Your Own Internal Wisdom.

Whether you are feeling shock and disbelief from a recent breakup or feeling lost and finding it hard to move on even after a year or more, this workbook is your guide to help you make peace with the emotions, reclaim your strength, rebuild your identity, and rediscover the joy of being you.

If you’re feeling emotional overwhelm, powerless and fearful, find helpful passages inSection One of the Workbook, devoted to the Crisis Stage and Finding Immediate Comfort and Emotional Care.

When you’re feeling confused about how to build your strength and need coping tools and strategies, turn toSection Two of the Workbook, encompassing passages on Healing and Taking Action - Processing the Loss and Building Emotional Resilience.

And when you need direction on how to move on with your life, turn toSection Three of the Workbook, Rediscovering Yourself and Creating New Experiences.

Learn 40 Proven Techniques to Heal and Grow Stronger.

🧡 Discover how Your Brain Processes Emotional Pain (learn the exercises to get through it)

💚 Explore Shadow Work to Develop Self-Acceptance (an essential step for healing)

💙 Develop Self-Compassion by Learning from Buddhist Wisdom (even if you’ve struggled with meditation in the past)

💜 Access Your Intuition Through Creative Expression (learn techniques to process complex emotions)

❤️ Release Old People-Pleasing Habits (learn simple boundary setting techniques)

💛 Challenge Limiting Beliefs and Reduce Negative Self-Talk (put practical CBT action steps into practice now)


Discover specific action steps for your personal growth based on your astrological sign.

My 48-page Zodiac Sign Specific Practices for Healing Heartbreak goes into specialized detail on what practices might be best for you, based on your sun sign.

♈️ Learn healthy practices for fiery Aries to put in place for burning off that end-of-relationship-energy.

♊️ Understand why Gemini’s tend to drift into shadow aspects and how to redirect your actions.

♎️ Lucky Libra’s can use chocolate as a way to find their equilibrium after a disruptive heartbreak.

♑️ How embracing clutter-clearing empowers Capricorn’s to get clarity and balance.

The Self Care Workbook for Emotional Healing and Self Discovery After a Breakup

Open to Any Passage that Speaks to Your Heart

Work at your own pace. Each passage provides:

Educational insights

Self-reflection prompts

Practical action steps

To Help You:

Process and Regulate Emotions

Identify Unhealthy Patterns

Make Peace with Your Shadow Aspects

Rebuild Your Sense of Self

Develop Personal Autonomy

Build Self-Confidence

Listen to Your Intuition

Create Healthy Mental and Physical Habits

Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Use the Past as Stepping Stones

Connect with Your Soul’s Wisdom

Work through at your own pace, explore the passages that resonate with you most. Each exercise meets you exactly where you are.