Escape To Paradise and Beyond Maitreya Dasa

Do you have the following unresolved problems and are therefore anxious?
You are exasperated with the status quo.
The evil deeds of politicians are making you sick and depriving you of sleep.
You are young and without hope for the future.
You find no meaning in your life?
Your happiness is only fleeting.
I do not want them, but troubles come upon me.
You will find the panacea for all these miseries in the gradual unfolding of this memoir.
- Why modern civilization has left the rails and is going nowhere but headlong into the ditch.
- The nature of the ignorance that covers the soul.
- Human beings are made responsible for their happiness and distress.
- Our real identity, where we came from, and our future destination under different scenarios.
- That the Lord’s mercy is everything, and that without it, we cannot tie our shoelaces.
- Our eternal home is in the spiritual world in loving relationships with the Lord.
After reading ESCAPE TO PARADISE AND BEYOND with an open mind, you will have faith that the Lord is the cause of all causes and all that is. You will be aware that He exists within the heart of every living entity and, as witness and sanctioner, directs their wanderings. This memoir is an essential read for anyone dissatisfied with the status quo and interested in knowing their real self-interest.
At odds with the ethos of his countrymen and failed in romance, the author looked farther afield for fulfillment. His search took him to seventy countries. He traveled to Africa, as far east as Thailand and Malaysia, as far west as California and Vancouver, and finally to Denmark and Central An and South America.
A spiritual awakening in Southeast Asia profoundly changed his consciousness. As a result, he became a seeker of truth rather than personal happiness. Gradually he came to think of himself as a child of destiny with an unknown guide directing his wanderings from within. Endeavoring to give up the material world's unnecessary things, he experienced an undreamt of happiness. Finally, in that spirit of renunciation, he realized the Supreme Lord was the source of all existence and, as the Supersoul, was his mentor.
In 1979 destiny led him to a temple of Lord Krishna in Guyana, South America. One year later, he was initiated in New York by a disciple of His Divine Grace, Srila Prabhupada, the Founder Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. His guru, His Holiness Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami, gave him the spiritual name Maitreya Dasa.
Before his initiation, Maitreya engaged in various occupations, from trainee bank manager to garbage collector. Since then, he has served Lord Krishna as a priest, cook, treasurer, book distributor, farmer, landscaper, and gardener. A vision of beauty motivates many aspects of his life.