
The Essential Book of Crystal Healing by Cassandra Jade

Book Cover: The Essential Book of Crystal Healing by Cassandra Jade

2 books in 1 - An Ultimate Guide to Witch Bottles and Stones for Love, Happiness, and Success.

Are you tired of languishing in emotional, spiritual, or physical pain?

Have you tried countless other healing techniques, but to no avail?

Do you finally want to say goodbye to negative feelings and negative physical effects and discover something that works for you?

If so, then this book is for you!

You see, healing through the power of crystals and stones does not have to be complicated or difficult.

Even if you have tried this type of healing in the past, but it did not work.

The truth is, it is much easier than you think…once you have the right knowledge.

Cassandra Jade, a lifelong practitioner of witchcraft, provides you with a step-by-step blueprint to crystal and stone healing without the trial and error or fruitless work many healers encounter.

In The Power of Crystals and Healing Stones: An Essential Guide To Witchcraft Therapy you will discover:

• The scientific and metaphysical explanations as to how crystals and stones are able to affect the mind; body; and spirit of individuals;

• How the use of crystals and stones in healing fits into the genre of green witchcraft;

• A compendium of crystals and stones along with their associated profiles and uses;

• Creative ways to prepare and use crystals and stones in the modern world on a daily basis;

• Tips on how to choose the right crystal or stone for the desired manifestation;

• Meditations and Affirmations which can become more focused and “super-powered” when coupled with the use of crystals and stones; and

PLUS you get Jar Spells for Success to compound your knowledge and practice with earth magick. In Jar Spells for Success you will discover:

  • More than 30 original jar spells have been created specifically for this book
  • A month-by-month approach to spell making with specific information and spells connected to Nature and the seasons
  • How to create spells that work both based on ingredients, emotions, and intentions, which you can adapt and tailor based on your personal biases
  • Specific tips for gathering spell ingredients locally, ethically, and responsibly
  • Advanced jar spells such as contacting your Guardian Angel and harvesting love from the universe around you
  • And much, much more!