
The #1 Rule of Happiness by Robyn McComb

Book Cover: The #1 Rule of Happiness by Robyn McComb
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They say to appreciate the little things in life. But why should the little things matter? Aren’t the big things more important?

People spend their days worrying and thinking about the big things: acing that big test, getting that big salaried job, going on that big date. They fail to notice the sweet little things that make life so special. The bird that is warbling in the tree branch outside of your office window is a call to enjoy the prettiness of Nature rather than the stress of work, yet you probably do not take the time to notice it because you just have to get your proposal done for your demanding boss.

The smell of baked bread can awaken pleasant memories of your childhood visiting Gramma, yet you are too busy thinking about what you will make for dinner to enjoy the nostalgic loveliness. Life is full of small, beautiful things but you fail to notice them because you are so focused on the future. As a result, you feel harried and depressed. The world seems dark. Where did all the beauty that you remember from your childhood go?
