
gideon: The Sound And The Glory by Joseph Ganci

Gideon by Joseph Ganci

Why has the true story of Gideon been hidden for three millennia? How does Gideon connect with Jacob wrestling an angel? How did a blood feud between Gideon and the Midianite kings evolve? How does the prophetess Debra establish the tradition of lighting two Shabbat candles? How does Gideon’s three hundred represent the Trinity? Why was Gideon not at the major Midianite battle? How did three hundred starving men conquer fifteen thousand in a night battle on foreign soil? Why is Gideon a similitude of the coming of Jesus Christ as a spiritual warrior? Why were there mice in the Philistine cart that transported the Ark of the Covenant back to Israel? What was young David even present at the battle with Goliath? Why did David have five stones in his script? -- And much, much more!
Besides being informative and entertaining, the biblical novel is a spiritual delight to the pilgrim searching for the mind of God.

Unsung biblical heroes and murderous villains leap to life, blazing onto the pages of revelation. Gideon, a lowly woodcutter, is blessed by an angel to be the savior of all Israel. He does not know why or how and shrinks from this dangerous mission. The commandment to conquer the Midian Empire as one man seems all but impossible. But Gideon’s confidence grows as God guides his every step until he stands fearless, dauntlessly fulfilling his destiny as “a mighty man of valor.” The fierce warriors, burning towers, and devastated cities contained in Gideon’s Journey are but silver threads that weave into a sweeping tapestry that fills ten generations that follow with intrigue. Running through and stitching together the entire saga is the Ark of the Covenant and the Baal-Berith, also known as Gideon’s mysterious Ephod of Gold (shown on the back cover).
Read this book, and unearth hidden treasures of the peoples, places, and artifacts while resurrecting the stuff of legends that have slept for 3000 years.