Mr Glass And The Ghost Train by Gary Strangeway
Sceary Bo

Mr Glass and his nephews Timmy and Glen are out celebrating the twin's tenth birthday when their car breaks down in a country lane.
In the misty lane as the light begins to fade they meet Stoker who befriends them and directs them to a garage in the mysterious little town of Sceary Bo.
Unable to get a signal on their phones the trio set off along the dark spooky road to find help.
After several minutes walking through the fog bound-streets of Sceary Bo, they are none the wiser as to the location of the garage but stumble upon The Mystic Tearoom.
In the distance, they hear a train whistle that sends them all running towards the train station. The ticket office is closed and in total darkness as the train thunders into the station, it very much resembles the Hogwarts Express from Harry Potter. Mr Glass and his two nephews climb aboard the first carriage and walk the entire length of the train seeing only empty seats.
‘Tickets please,’ comes a voice from behind them, their nightmare journey is about to begin.
Have you ever travelled on a strange journey to a strange place?
Where strange unexplainable things happen to you and your friends in a Strangeway.
Do you consider yourself brave? Brave enough to join Mr Glass and his two young nephews Timmy and Glen on a spooky and scary adventure that takes them to the mysterious little town of Sceary Bo.
Join our intrepid trio [ If You Dare! ] as they climb aboard a steam train that takes them off on a frightful journey. Tickets Please!
Sceary Bo!…