
A 7-Week Guide To Home Organization by Taylor Fields

A 7 week guide to home organisation

Are you tired of living in a mess? Does it feel like your home is cluttered with unnecessary things? Does this make you feel unorganized? Is your home chaotic and do you want to learn to declutter? Do you want to organize and declutter your home of all things you no longer need or use? Have you tried doing this in the past but gave up after a while? Are you looking for an effective plan to attain your goal of an organized home? If yes, read on!

Living with clutter is not a choice, but an unhealthy habit we fall into. If you want to declutter your home, it is important to break free of this habit. Decluttering and organizing your home is a continuous process. You don't have to spend hours organizing your home daily. Instead, it is a culmination of small steps taken daily that lead you to the ultimate goal—a clean, tidy, and organized home free of clutter. If this is your goal, this is the perfect book for you!


Due to our hectic lives these days, coupled with all the responsibilities we juggle, finding the time for decluttering and organizing your house becomes difficult. The good news is, decluttering your home and organizing it is possible by spending only 35 minutes daily. 35 minutes a day for 7 weeks will help declutter and organize your home. Whether it is your living room, dining room, kitchen, or even the guest bedroom and the garage, everything can be organized. The only thing you need to remember is to commit to this challenge and get through it one step at a time. Instead of getting overwhelmed thinking about the 7 weeks of work, think about it as 35-minutes of commitment per day. 35 minutes is not a lot of time.

Physical clutter can increase mental clutter. Your home needs to be your respite from the chaotic world. If you are tired of being greeted by clutter upon entering the home, it is time to regain control of your home!


In this book, you will learn about:


    • The different reasons for a disorganized home,


    • Simple suggestions to develop good housekeeping habits and decluttering,


    • A 7-week detailed guide for organizing different rooms in your house,


    • A weekly guide for organizing each of the rooms,


    • Weekly challenges for various rooms,


  • DIY storage and cleaning options, and so much more!


Are you eager to learn more about all those? Are you ready to break free of the clutter you have been collecting over the years? Do you want to live in an organized and clutter-free home? If yes, what are you waiting for? Take the first step to happiness by grabbing your copy and getting started!


