
The Hero’s Ultrajourney Into Your Soul by Duane Nelson

The hero's ultrajourney by duane nelson

Six Simple & Vital Habits to Ignite the Adventure of a Lifetime

What do you do when you are stuck in the same loop over and over again?

Regardless of your current state of life satisfaction, The Hero’s Ultrajourney Into Your Soul offers a proven framework for personal growth, awakening, and the evolution of consciousness. Duane Nelson, a global engineering technology leader and explorer, reveals simple and vital habits to enhance your life. It’s an essential guide for those embarking on the hero’s journey described by Joseph Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Each of us are on a hero’s journey of escape, trials, and transformation. Many of us escape the ignorance of youth only to get stuck in the “road of trials” with limited mental models, bad habits, and frustrating physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual challenges.

If you feel stuck in your current state, the problem isn’t you. The problem is your framework. Bad frameworks prevent good people from realizing their full potential. Here, you’ll learn a proven framework with practical experiments and habits to transcend current frustrations and enhance your life.

Nelson distills four decades of complex world-class engineering principles, adventure, and spiritual growth into simple experiments and habits that can be easily applied to daily life. He creates an easy-to-follow guide using the most proven principles in geology, physics, neuroscience, psychology, biology, and spiritual growth that can be quickly verified through personal experimentation.

Learn how to:

• live a wholehearted life and come alive through the adventure of daring greatly.

• lead an extraordinary life of joy in harmony with nature, calling, and vision (code).

• Build a customized flywheel and momentum to continuously grow.

• … and much more.

The Hero’s Ultrajourney Into Your Soul will change your life and give you the practical tools you need to live each day as if it were your last and realize your full potential.