Lessons From a Life Champion by A. J. Aberfeldy
Sometimes Even Winners Make Duty
A.J. Aberfeldy didn't find happiness until he looked at the man staring back at him in the mirror, then went out and found people even fatter and uglier than that man until he felt better about himself. Now he probably doesn't even need to take his anti-depressants or read that Tony Robbins book his mom bought him last year for Christmas. 3 miracles changed his life forever. This is his remarkable true story.
Some critics are saying that Lessons From a Life Champion is the most important self-help memoir since the Bible. Reading this book will change your life forever. Don't believe me? My 3rd cousin from Jersey didn't read it, and he is still doing heroin. Another guy I went to high school with didn't read it either, and I just heard from a guy he works with that his wife left him and he is gambling again. My nan and pap didn't read it. Now they are both dead. This book will inspire you to change your life. Just ask my neighbor who just got his 3rd D.U.I. He didn't read this book either.