Letting Go of Imposter Syndrome by Serena Choo

If you want to stop feeling like a fraud, build lasting confidence, and unlock your true potential, then keep reading.
Do you…
- intellectually know that you’re bright, and capable, but suffer from performance anxiety and are tired of the relentless striving?
- hold yourself back from opportunities you want and know you deserve, but feel inadequate and doubt yourself—and can’t understand why?
- fail to give yourself credit for your successes despite positive feedback, attributing it to luck, or another factor that has nothing to do with you?
- want to feel authentically confident, but are secretly afraid that others will discover you're not as successful as they think you are, and feel anxious about being “found out”?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, you may be grappling with imposter syndromeand this book is for you.
- being free of your deepest self-doubt and insecurities that you keep secret, even from your closest friend, because you feel ashamed of it
- no longer having to pretend that you’re a success but genuinely feeling it, even if it feels impossible right now
- having peace of mind, with no more second guessing yourself and feeling like you have to keep on proving yourself.
With over 25 years of experience as a personal transformation coach, author Serena Choo grappled with imposter syndrome herself. Now, in LETTING GO OF IMPOSTER SYNDROME, she shares proven easy-to-follow strategies drawn from her own journey and work with countless successful clients.
In the book, you’ll discover:
- Why tackling the individual symptoms of imposter syndrome, such as self-doubt, perfectionism or procrastination, are short-lived and ineffective unless you address the one fundamental truth that everyone overlooks
- The biggest mistake people make when pursuing personal development that stops them from letting go of imposter syndrome
- Two pieces of wisdom that Mark Twain shared about worrying
- A surprising way to take charge of overthinking and automatic thoughts that lead to imposter anxiety
- The true meaning of emotional intelligence, and how to use your feelings to break your cycle of reactivity that perpetuates imposter syndrome behavior
- Three reliable ways to get instant stress or anxiety relief which can be done anytime anywhere without anyone knowing (even in a room full of people)
- An eye-opening approach to stop fighting your self-talk and how changing it in the wrong way can worsen your internal resistance
- Why asking others to tell you what they think are your strengths can lead you to feel even worse about yourself
- How to uncover the unspoken rules behind your perfectionism and unhook from them
- The 7 phases to embracing your authentic self and why you need to be aware of the “Zone of the Unknown” or risk staying stuck and not achieving the freedom and success and peace of mind you crave
- And much much more...
Plus, get access todownloadable resources like worksheets to help you implement the strategies, which is instrumental to your success.
Whether you question yourself personally or in relation to your work, business or career, don't let imposter syndrome hold you back any longer—even if you’ve tried other mindset tactics such as affirmations and trying to “fake it till you make it” that made you feel worse.