Kitty Born at Sea: A Kitty Adventure by Donna Mae Smith

Meet Kitty. He becomes tough as he grows up at sea. He protects the big boat, Betty, and travels with Captain, Momma, and Rod. Enjoy Kitty’s exciting adventures as he learns the value of family love and following Momma’s rules. This story can be a bit heartwarming as Kitty discovers early findings of satisfaction and purpose.
Kitty longs for the adventures he will one day find on land. That one day comes when Captain heads home, the very home where Momma was born and raised. Before they reach their land destination, Kitty finds himself stranded at an old dock on the Mobjack Bay. Can Kitty find a way to live without Momma and Captain? Will he find a new home? Find out how Kitty makes his decisions to handle this life changing adventure!