
Meeting The Shadow Finding Your Self by Julie Hoyle

Book Cover: Meeting The Shadow Finding Your Self by Julie Hoyle
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Your shadow is powerful. It can trip you up, sabotage your best efforts and create obstacles. It can also house amazing creative potential you never knew you had. Discover how to make friends with this primal force. It is waiting to be unleashed.

Until you discover how to own your darkness, you only half live. You deny the fullness of your unique expression because you repress what you believe is unpalatable or unacceptable. As a consequence, you find yourself frustrated with the world, irritated with those you call friends and family, and angry with your seeming inability to express yourself fully or create lasting, positive change. In 'Meeting the Shadow Finding Your Self - A Handbook on How to Transform the Dark Side of Your Personality,' Julie reveals how to acknowledge and acceptthe darkness within you and importantly, how to receive the priceless gifts the shadow is here to offer.

Discover how to:

• Embrace the shadow aspects of your personality
• Invite the darkness to share its secrets
• Improve your personal relationships
• Restore vitality to your creative expression
• Find your authentic voice in the workplace
• Live your life with greater authenticity, clarity, and integrity, and
• Reconnect with your true essence and purpose

Shadow work is life-changing. Are you ready to meet your shadow? Are you ready to unearth your shadow wisdom and discover your shadow gifts? If you are, this book will help you ignite your vitality and bring all the missing parts back home so that you can live true to your purpose and true to your authentic nature. Don’t wait. Make friends with your shadow now!