
Mind by David Lloyd Shepard


PSYCHOLOGY: The Untold Story of how your mind works

This is a book about the most important discoveries in psychology. Not just the gnawed bones of the studies in a textbook, but what has been left out of our textbooks.
• The success of Genius is not about the brain; it is about learning how to think. How the greatest minds in history made their discoveries, in their own words.
• Quest for the mind code; how the mind is programmed by the environment. • What the greatest minds in psychology know about how the mind works.
• Cogito, ergo, cogito, cogito. I think, therefore, I think, I think. The fact that we can think has created the illusion that we do think. Test yourself.
• Mind control; an everyday occurrence. Kamikaze pilots, suicide bombers, celebrity and Sacred Cows. The General Theory of Relativity.
• New evidence: The brain itself cannot develop without experience.
• Understanding how the mind works gives us the potential to control our own mind, just as Einstein’s understanding of the atom gave us the potential of controlling the atom.