The Murder of Mr. Twist by Lyndy Wibking

Inspired by the classic whodunits of Agatha Christie and Margaret Millar, but set in the best decade ever (the '90s, that is), this brain-teaser of a mystery sees two amateur sleuths race to solve a young woman's murder over the course of one clue-filled night. (Rated "PG," no graphic violence or profanity.)
A twig snaps in the woods, and minutes later twenty-two-year-old Gail Raish lies stabbed to death in the parking lot of the isolated drive-thru where she had just worked a late shift, alone.
When Claudette Sato learns of her coworker's brutal murder, it rattles her to the core. She had not really known the young woman, who was new to the small city of Bearmouth. But no one else in town had either—so why would anyone want to kill her?
It is this nagging question that triggers a memory in Claudette's mind, which proves impossible to shake: the memory of a night she herself was working solo at The Burger Box, and had an unnerving encounter with a man she'd never seen before.
A man she now suspects might be a killer...