
The Neuroscience Of Focus by Andrew Humington

The neuroscience of focus by Andrew Humington

Do you know everytime you pick up your phone, you lose 23mn of Focus?

How’s your focus these days?

Are you able to concentrate at will on what truly matters in your life?

Or are you having a hard time focusing and getting things done?

Let me guess, you sit down to work on an important project, full of goodwill and motivation.

But soon, you find yourself scrolling through social media for hours, ending the day having done very little of what you hoped to do.

Your lack of focus is causing you to miss deadlines and make mistakes.

You feel trapped in an endless cycle of distraction.

And it's eating away at your confidence and self-esteem.

It's not your fault: we live in a world of infinite distractions!

Tik tok, Instagram, smartphones, constant notifications…

Everything around you is designed to capture your attention.

Every notification, every DM, every piece of new content has been designed to trigger a dopamine release in your brain.

It's quite literally an addiction mechanism. And it’s destroying our ability to focus!

The average human attention span in 2000 was 12 seconds... In 2015, it was only 8 seconds!

Even a goldfish has an attention span of 9 seconds...

Worse: according to the University of London, frequent use of technology and multitasking can lead to a decrease in cognitive and emotional intelligence.

In other words: constant distractions and interruptions are literally lowering our IQ!

It also means the ability to focus has never been more valuable than today!

Being able to concentrate at will on anything you want is a true superpower.

Instead of getting constantly sidetracked and overwhelmed, you prioritize tasks that matter and zero in on them until full completion.

Your mind stops wandering during conversations, so you can give your loved ones the attention they deserve.

You stop being a slave to your phone and reconnect with the present moment and the world around you
(which does wonder for your mental health).

So is there a way to efficiently train your focus and reclaim your attention... and your life?

That's why I wrote this book.

To explore the latest finds and breakthroughs of Neuroscience regarding Focus and Concentration.

To uncover real, scientifically proven protocols to train your focus, and effortlessly concentrate on anything you desire!

Inside you'll discover:

  • Neuroscience backed techniques to master task prioritization and time management for unstoppable success and maximum productivity
  • How to unlock the secrets of your prefrontal cortex to sharpen your problem-solving skills and become a decision-making powerhouse
  • You’re probably doing it wrong: how to optimize your sleep for razor-sharp focus and peak cognitive performance
  • The top brain-boosting foods and hydration secrets to supercharge your concentration
  • How to build your own focus fortress and create a distraction-free workspace that maximizes your concentration and eliminates interruptions
  • The best breathing techniques to boost blood flow and master stress management for unwavering focus
  • The top science-backed meditation practices for a calm, focused mind and unstoppable mental performance
  • From goal-setting to goal-crushing: how to achieve laser focus by setting clear, actionable objectives and develop structured routines
  • New cutting-edge brain training apps, mnemonics, and attention exercises for an unbeatable memory and focus

And much, much more…

It’s never too late to train your concentration and take back control of your brain.

So if you’re ready to reclaim your focus, your attention… and your life.