The Other Side by Neil Kelders

Have you experienced depression? Anxiety?
Have you watched the world and people move on around you as you are feeling
empty and lonely? Have you had moments where you thought about ending it all?
Neil experienced all these – depression, anxiety & suicidal thoughts. Believing he
had tried everything to help himself, he closed his eyes to the world.
Then, one day for some unknown reason, Neil spoke. He spoke for the very first time about what was going on inside. This was his first step towards the Other Side.
In The Other Side, Neil Kelders, now an international speaker, mental health advocate and author, identifies
the mindsets that make it difficult for us to change. Drawing on his own battles, and
with his signature humour, Neil's message is one of hope despite all.
Blending autobiography, philosophical insights and practical, action-steps for change,
The Other Side is an insight into how a better life is possible.
Each chapter contains ‘Neil’s Notes’, practical tools and actions you can try. Each book comes with a
QR code to a free eBook, which contains additional tools and practical advice.
As long as we're living and breathing, it is always possible to live a better life. The
good news is that by following Neil’s story and advice, change and taking action will
get easier. The ‘Other Side’ is not perfection, it’s living with hope in the midst of