Personal Finance for Young Adults by Leon King

Most people go through life without understanding money, what it can do, and how to achieve financial freedom. I don’t want you to be that person.
The average household debt in America has grown in the past decade. Many are suffering from student loans stacked on top of credit card debts with growing interest rates. Inflation is corroding household wealth.
Most people get their first credit cards without actually understanding their implications. In the same way, most people pursue an education after high school only to spend the next decade paying back their student loans and then the next 30 years paying off their mortgage. By the time the debts are repaid, it’ll be time for a retirement with little or close to nothing saved.
If you could sum up all the personal finance lessons that school should have taught you, you’d get this book. This book is designed to put you on the path to financial independence.
If you’re ready to get your finances together and set up your 20s and 30s so that you can live a life free from money troubles, then pay attention.
This book will walk you through:
- How to budget and save without being cheap
- How to identify investment opportunities in the financial markets
- The steps you need to go through before you make a real estate purchase
- How to get the most bang for your buck at work and with your education
- Tools, resources, and applications to automate your personal finance journey
- And much, much more…