
$0.99 until May 23

Book Cover: $0.99 until May 23

Quiet Quit & Fully Live: Take Back Your Time, Energy, and Life Through Ethical Disengagement by Matthew Hess

"...stands out as a valuable resource for those reevaluating their work-life approach, advocating a philosophy of balance that is both realistic and beneficial. Its insightful and accessible content makes it a recommended read for anyone facing the challenges of today’s work environment."
—Literary Titan

If you have ever felt the weight of overstretched commitments, sacrificing precious time with loved ones or neglecting your own well-being in the relentless pursuit of success, you are not alone.

Picture this: an office that never sleeps, where the glow of computer screens outlasts the setting sun, and where family dinners become distant memories. This was my battleground. As I trudged through my sixth year of static titles and stagnant growth, the birth of my son refracted my life's priorities through a kaleidoscopic lens of urgency.

The impact? A realization that the extra mile I'd been running was a loop leading nowhere, and it was time to step off the track. What followed was a reclaiming of time and dignity, sparking a transformation that would ripple through both my personal and professional worlds.

As we embark on this journey together, we will explore:

  • The devastating effects of stress on the brain
  • The power of setting boundaries
  • The art of saying "no" without guilt
  • The transformative impact of prioritizing our well-being and personal lives

I invite you to challenge the status quo, embrace ethical disengagement as a means of self-preservation and empowerment, and ultimately, quiet quit in order to fully live.