
Ragnar Lothbrok Sea King by Robert Peterson

Ragnar Lothbrok sea king by Robert Peterson

The greatest Viking raider in history is Ragnar Lothbrok Sigurdson, King of Denmark. But even great kings are subject to the dictates of fate. Ragnar was captured after his ships were scattered in a storm by King Aella of Northumbria, who tasked the Abbot of York with recording the life story of this legendary King. After Ragnar's execution, his wife, Princess Aslaug, sent his sons to wreak vengeance on those who killed her husband. Led by Bjorn Ironsides and Ivar the Boneless, this army, known to history as The Great Heathen Army, sweep all before them, killing the King of East Anglia in the process. A young king of Wessex, Alfred, who lost two older brothers in battle, tries to rally his kingdom to resist the Northmen, but will it be enough? Help comes to him from unlikely places, yet the issue is in doubt.