
Regrets: I’ve Had (Quite) A Few by Geraldine Helen Hartman 

Book Cover: Regrets: I've Had (Quite) A Few by Geraldine Helen Hartman 

Do you want to make peace with your past, including long-held regrets, guilt, heartaches, and past missteps?
And do you also want to move forward in a more confident and optimistic way, avoiding making similar mistakes that led to many of those regrets previously?


REGRETS: I’VE HAD (QUITE) A FEW, How To Make Peace With Your Past and Move Forward:
Is a book filled with pro-active suggestions and strategies, how to not only come to terms with your past but also, to move forward with a more positive, productive attitude and mindset. Avoiding repeating past mistakes and in turn, having a lot less guilt and fewer regrets to deal with, in the future.

Topics of Note Include:

  • Give Your (Younger) Self a Break!
  • Dwell on What IS Working NOW
  • Listen, REALLY Listen!
  • Was It Really YOUR Regret to Have?
  • Making Amends, Creatively
  • Support Your “Support System”
  • Forgive First. Forget When You Can
  • Know When to “Cut Your Losses” and Move On
  • R-E-S-P-E-C-T
  • Revisiting Past Relationships.....and many more.

We only get one chance to “get it right” on this side and in this life. Putting past regrets into perspective and making them something we can learn from, live with, or even better, let go of completely, is a tall order. But it can be done and it is SO worth the effort.

And, with “moving forward” that should also include a conscious and mindful plan to avoid or minimize future regrets (big and small).
The many suggestions and tips shared in this book will help you to put your own personal regret-busting, life-affirming goals for the future, into motion immediately. It will also lift your spirits with renewed hope for brighter and more peaceful days ahead.