The REIGN by Jeffrey McClain Jones

BOOK ONE: Out of the end of the world as we know it, comes the beginning of the world we dreamed of and prayed for.
In a small Iowa town, survivors of unprecedented global war and natural disasters set out to rebuild their lives. So much of what has happened in recent weeks defies explanation for the remnant of the resistance to the last Dictator, survivors of the last human war.
Out of tribulation and loss, they stumble into a fresh breeze of hope that seems too good to be true. Yet, peace has fallen all around the world, and the new ruler in Jerusalem enforces that peace through an odd assortment of people spread over the Earth. Even the weather and wildlife have been transformed for the comfort of the remaining people.
Could this be what the Christians looked forward to for millennia, the Kingdom of God come to Earth, the Reign of Jesus Christ?
Even in the face of gracious prosperity, for the world and its inhabitants, the seeds have been planted for one last human revolt against God.