
How To Self-Learn Anything by Thinknetic

How to self learn anything

Learning things on your own isn’t hard. You’ve just been doing it wrong. Want to get it right? Here’s how…

Author, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker, Jim Rohn said, “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”

Rohn was born into a poor family, grew up on a farm, was a millionaire by 30, lost it all at 33, and regained it again.

How did he do this? Rohn credits his lifelong commitment to improvement through self-learning.

Rohn only did a year of college before dropping out, frustrated that he wasn’t learning what he wanted.

It’s a common complaint leveled against the formal education system. Schools don’t teach people what’s important.

The Public School Review (an organization that profiles and ranks US public schools) says one of the biggest challenges with the system is an obsession with standardized testing.

Schools emphasize the teach-to-the-test approach while reducing focus on non-tested subjects.

Non-tested subjects would include things like creativity and adaptability, necessary qualities for any self-learner.

After 18 years of standard education, you may think that you could acquire new skills the way you did there. Unfortunately, you may be mistaken.

That’s because standard education taught you how to pass tests. But it didn’t teach you how to think.

This is one of the things this book will help you understand. Other things you’ll get out of this book include:

  • How the formal education system has set you up for failure on your self-learning journey
  • Why motivation and not ability may be the most important factor in learning a new skill
  • The right way to read … and why how you read now is wrong
  • Navigating self-learning terrain without getting lost with these four ways to identify and set your learning goals
  • Five methods to fix your note-taking… including one you would have never thought of experimenting with
  • Why when coming to learning, fear is the other “F” word
  • How to tell if your “why” is strong enough to take you through your self-learning journey
  • Discouragement… How to avoid the “D” word and why it can mean the death of all learning

As a self-learner, you’ll be in elite company, including Leonardo Da Vinci, William Blake, Abraham Lincoln, Agatha Christie, and Albert Einstein to name a few.

If you’d like to learn methods that will allow you to get their results, this book is a must-have on your reading list.