
Shoulder Ultrasound by John Persinger

Shoulder ultrasound

Are you just starting out in the study of musculoskeletal ultrasounds? Do you want to be able to do this with confidence and efficiency?

In this fast paced medical world, being able to learn a new skill is always an advantage in the field. In this book, John E. Persinger and Joseph S. Augustyn goes into detail in how to perform non-invasive and efficient musculoskeletal ultrasounds. Medical professionals must possess a 3D mental model of regional anatomy, recognize the structures on ultrasound, understand sonographic principles, and apply accepted protocols to complete the examination.

The Foundations Handbook Series combines an overview of anatomy and its sonographic appearance with a step-by-step walkthrough of the examination including transducer location and patient positioning. Developed in a format which can be kept next to the ultrasound system for easy access, building expertise and confidence in performing MSK ultrasounds has never been so achievable.

In this book, you will learn:

  • Anatomy of the shoulder
  • Room and system set-up for ultrasound
  • Sonoanatomy of the shoulder structures (ultrasound appearance)
  • Patient and transducer positioning for each image required
  • The standard protocol of the shoulder ultrasound

Foundations of MSK Ultrasound Handbook is a must read for medical professional, physician assistants, physical therapists, nurse practitioners, sonographers, physicians, medical students, and residents!

Read this book to find out more about the latest advancements of efficient musculoskeletal ultrasounds!