On the Steps of St. Dymphna by Tony Rocco

On the Steps of St. Dymphna tells a story of transformation. John, a normal cubicle slave with a bland and ordinary life, is transformed by an enlightenment experience. Or, did he just go crazy? He’s not really sure, but either way, he becomes a dramatically different person.
From bored support representative at GMC Megatronics, he transforms himself into Pastor John, a flamboyant free spirit spouting spiritual nostrums and intent on not only radically transforming his own life, but bringing joy and purpose to the lives of others.
To this end, he joins forces with a rag-tag group of homeless and starts The New Life Church of the Godhead of the Bed, so named for the locus of his awakening — an ordinary bed.
John and his following set their sights on St. Dymphna’s House of Hope, a local sanitarium ran by the authoritarian Big Mama, where they attempt to help the needy and comfort the afflicted. They face numerous obstacles that threaten to derail their mission, but with the help of a local religious radio station and a large group of feisty supporters, they persevere and ultimately triumph. For a while.
Steps explores the emptiness of modern life and the desperate lengths necessary to live a life of purpose. It deals with themes of spirituality, alienation, faith and compassion. It is truly a tale for modern times.