Summary of This is Your Mind on Plants

PLEASE NOTE: This is a summary and analysis of the book and not the original book. SNAP Summaries is wholly responsible for this content and is not associated with the original author in any way. If you are the author, publisher, or representative of the original work, please contact info[at]snapsummaries[dot]com with any questions or concerns. If you'd like to purchase the original book, please paste this link in your browser:
In This is Your Mind on Plants, Michael Pollan investigates the cultural history of three plant-based drugs and explains the effects they produce on the brain.
What does this SNAP Summary Include?
- Synopsis of the original book
- Key takeaways from each chapter
- What makes some drugs legal and others illegal
- How caffeine stirred civilization, and how it works in the brain
- How psychedelics can heal trauma and deliver other therapeutic benefits
- Editorial Review
- Background on Michael Pollan
About the Original Book:
Michael Pollan has written for many years about our relationship with food and mind-altering substances. In his latest instalment, he returns to the latter subject, exploring our obsession with sedatives, stimulants and hallucinogens. Why, he wonders, has humanity gone to such great lengths to breed and disseminate opium, coffee, and peyote? How did these plants come to be regarded with so much controversy? And what does our relationship with them tell us about our fears and aspirations?
In a quest for answers, Pollan grows poppy plants in his garden and partakes in the opium flowing in them, quits coffee cold-turkey, and participates in a spiritual ceremony where a hallucinogenic cactus is the sacrament. In-between these accounts of self-experimentation, he interposes the history and science of mind-altering substances, creating what emerges as a thrilling theory of drugs. Anyone curious about our relationship with any of the molecules that change consciousness will find This is Your Mind on Plants a handy blueprint.
DISCLAIMER: This book is intended as a companion to, not a replacement for, This is Your Mind on Plants. SNAP Summaries is wholly responsible for this content and is not associated with the original author in any way. If you are the author, publisher, or representative of the original work, please contact info[at] with any questions or concerns.
Please follow this link: to purchase a copy of the original book.
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