
SURVIVAL LOTTERY by Vrin del Royal & Olivia Dyrrynel

Survival lottery

One of the worst books of the year, possibly ever

-The New York Crimes

1) We live in a world where organ donation is nearly perfect.

2) There is no difference between killing and letting die.

3) Therefore, the most ethical option is to adopt the survival lottery.

• Survival Lottery: In the event that two or more individuals require an organ donation, a donor shall be selected from a random lottery of healthy individuals.

-The Council of Cinere

Having recently completed her state mandated education, Vera finds herself at odds with a government institution she once respected - the Lotteries. In a bout of misfortune, Vera is assigned to the Survival Lottery - placing her life in the hands of fate. Will she be able to carry out a somewhat normal life while the threat of death hangs over her head? Or will she find herself on the run from the most advanced nation on Earth?

Critical Response:

Lee Harvey Oswald was sent back in time to prevent this book from being written, but unfortunately failed.

-Shmarack Obamba

Awful, Horrible, a crime against writing.

-Society for American Authors

Therapy cured my depression but this book brought it back.

-Reese Wyatt

I wouldn’t recommend this book to my worst enemies.

-La Angles Times

Like reading a physics textbook … but worse

-Slime Magazine