A Time to Deceive by Ronan Farrell

This detailed, innovative novel has depth, originality and a lifetime of experience and forensic expertise behind it. Including some dark undertones and humour, it crosses several genres. Its developing contemporary story of love and unfolding secrets will intrigue and appeal to a wide adult audience. Plots intertwine and lives inevitably cross as a tale of national and global subterfuge is gradually revealed.
Bradley Warren a time worn, used car salesman, keeps a low profile concealing his deepest secrets, the least of which is the cadaver in his freezer. He needs to move on, to cover his tracks and has planned for everything - well almost everything, he hadn't counted on meeting Janice.
Janice, divorced and vulnerable, back on her feet, just needs someone to love her and is desperate to find someone to believe in. She falls in love with Brad, he appears to be perfect, the man she deserves?
Mark Collins, ex-vicar now a declared atheist, and the new British Prime Minister, has deliberately thrust himself onto the centre stage of British politics, he must keep his secret from the world, the stakes are too high. His outspoken opinions prompt worldwide protests from all faiths whilst his anti-monarchist policies are pushing the renamed British Navy, British Air Force and Army towards rebellion. Is it merely political and religious zeal or does he have another agenda?