
Warrior Elite by J.T. Skye

Warrior Elite by JT Skye

Tor Benet - Sci Fi Military Space Opera

He fought for more than a century to bring galactic peace. The arrogant elite had other ideas.

So, he is going back to war - will this one tear his galaxy apart?

He had given his all for the war... including his right eye and half of his body.

The most decorated Warrior hero of the Slave War was not one to sit idly by while the arrogant Houses conspired... secretly meeting to steal the Ancient relics, build the dimensional door and enslave the spirituality of billions of beings. All to unleash the Dark One and gain his unlimited power.

But they underestimated Tor Benet’s passion for honor, dignity and resolute tenacity.

His rag-tag team of Warriors from across the galaxy with salvaged ships, painfully upgraded to make them battle worthy, will take on the corrupt and incompetent Admiralty.

In battle after battle, they use their hard learned skill, courage and strategy to survive against superior ships with larger weapons, until the final conflagration - facing a space fleet desperate to kill them all.

This fast paced military adventure page turner will grab you and never let go.