As a self-employed businessman his entire life, Mark Pixley wondered if he could carry on with his life in a meaningful way after a devastating car accident. Was there any joy left after such a tragedy? He didn't know what would be possible after being permanently paralyzed from the arms down. A devastating divorce and the challenges of living alone with such an injury presented server barriers. He no longer had the ability to walk or stand and had very limited arm and hand abilities. Mark overcame these obstacles with such determination and success that he decided to write a book, in hope of changing the lives of others in a similar overwhelming position.
Life is what we make of it! Challenges create opportunity! A life changing event may be the catalyst for new opportunities. He believes it’s all in how we perceive ourselves and our future. After all, isn’t man the most intelligent creature on the planet? Our mind is our most valuable asset. Mark will show you how to tap into those mindful resources we have been ignoring.
You have a limitless future, so take off those chains that have been weighing you down and move up to success and prosperity. You are not DisAbled, you are able! Yes, you may have a handicap, many people before you have done great things even though they had a handicap, because of their unwillingness to give up. With great determination comes confidence and with confidence comes accomplishment.
You are your only limiting factor. When you realize your possibilities, you will have the fortitude to move forward with confidence and determination. With those two things, confidence and determination, anything is possible. Don’t be the limiting factor in your life. Embrace change and reach for your dreams! Mark did and is still reaching new milestones. Are you ready for the journey of a lifetime?