Zenergy Mindfulness by Diane Russell Chrestman
The Intersection of Buddhist and Energy Psychology For Mental Health And Wellness
A beautiful life lived with peace and joy is part art and part practice. Utilizing scientifically proven techniques, Zenergy Mindfulness outlines unique applications of energy healing to deepen the practice of mindful living with grace and ease.
In the pages of Zenergy Mindfulness you will learn:
* Mindfulness exercises that can be easily applied in your daily life
* To cope and skillfully respond to mental states, such as anxiety and anger, that hinder our capacity to be mindful with greater ease
* Chakra spinning techniques to support the energy of mindfulness
* Stimulate acupuncture points and reduce the energy of anxiety and anger and other mental states that obstruct mindfulness
Diane Russell Chrestman is a Buddhist psychotherapist who has studied with Zen Masters of various traditions of meditation and mindfulness for 10 years. Certified in Energy Psychology, Chrestman has modified techniques of energy psychology to assist her clients to deepen mindfulness and lessen mindless habituated patterns that create suffering.