
September 20, 2019

To compete or to cooperate? That’s the question!

Compete? Cooperate? How do we decide our course of action when the driving forces of our morality are pulling us in opposite directions?

Do you think cooperation and competition are mutually exclusive? Think again: they are both part of our humanity, and they both reside within us. In Fritz’s highly readable account, these two independent forces are the cause of much disagreement, but also the founding stone of our moral sense and hence our humanity. Find out how in a compelling and revealing theory of morality that explores the dualism and its ramification, and why it is so important to our lives and society.

Our Human Herds: Abridged (English Edition) by Stephen Martin Fritz

On Kindle and in Paperback


Our Human Herds presents a new theory in moral and political philosophy, called “dual morality.” The theory proposes that just as the physical senses of sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing evolved to help us navigate our physical environment, two independent moral senses evolved to guide us to success in our social world. One prioritizes cooperation; the other, competition. The first bases moral justification on the egalitarianism that emphasizes our equal worth; the other finds moral justification in the inequalities that allow us to distinguish better from worse. “Liberal” and “conservative” are merely the names given to the political manifestations of these two forms of moral expression, just as “socialist” and “capitalist” describe their economic manifestations, and “personality” and “character” their psychological ones. Our Human Herds addresses what it means to be a human being, why we fight about the things that divide us, and why we unite behind the ideas that draw us together. The book examines all aspects of human social behavior, revealing how and why we often disagree in our approaches to education, history, war, crime, pleasure, happiness, politics, science and religion.

“This is a learned, thoroughly researched study – and dazzlingly bright. The effervescent approach to writing makes its pages fly by … Studies as brilliant as this one deserve a far wider audience. An engrossing and mind-expanding examination of morality” ― Kirkus Reviews