
March 11, 2021

Kick away your problems with the best advice!

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Blog Post

Perhaps we are always one decision away from a totally different life, but habits entrenched are hard to shift, and unless we work on them, decisions won’t be that simple to take and put into action. Leo Tolstoy once wrote that true life is lived when tiny changes occurr. The smallest changes can be the hardest especially when we underestimate how engrained some of our behaviour is and the extent to which it makes us who we are.

If you feel stuck in anything: a routine, an addiction, a train of negative thoughts, a bad attitude, troubled relationship patterns, try working on changing behaviour. What we do makes us who we are: it’s easier for attitudes to change after our behaviour has changed, than viceversa. So the best way to change your mind is to change your behaviour, believe it or not!

Want to find out how? Take a look at this great guide, introduced in our trailer here:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: 7 Ways to Freedom from Anxiety, Depression, and Intrusive Thoughts (Happiness is a trainable, attainable skill! Book 1) by Lawrence Wallace

On Kindle, Audiobook and Paperback!


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“Retain the Faith That You Will Prevail in the End, Regardless of the Difficulties. And at the Same Time Confront the Most Brutal Facts of Your Current Reality, Whatever They May Be.”
— James Stockdale.