The After Death Afterlife of Ronald Foster by R. D. Turvil

The book is a dramatic imagining of life after death for a man who doesn’t know he’s dead – a compelling afterlife adventure with a stunning ending. Death has never been so full-on and mind blowing.
Ronald Foster tells his own story: how his memories vanish; how he’s ensnared by greed, anger, lust, envy and worse; how he finally discovers that he’s passed from life to death.
It's easy to judge him, particularly when we see his selfish and ungracious traits endure in his afterlife. Yet, for him, nothing is what it seems. He doesn't know that everything has been contrived.
Ultimately, he understands that he’s used up his last chance. The question is: what happens next?
Read Ronald Foster’s perilous quest; how he faces the biggest decision of his afterlife.