
Fantasy Genre

Enter strange and magical worlds and run wild with your imagination.

Book Cover:  Ahe'ey by Jamie Le Fay
 Ahe'ey by Jamie Le Fay
Escape from Atlantis City by Scott R Weveart
$0.99 until March 10
Fate of the marked by Rico Liemanto
$0.99 until March 22
The usher of spring by Tayloranne worley
$0.99 until March 23
Book Cover: 666 Voyage by Vusi Mtsweni
666 Voyage by Vusi Mtsweni
Blaze of spirits and dreams by DL Howard
A Blaze of Spirit and Dreams by DL Howard
A conjuring of ravens by Azalea Ellis
A Conjuring of Ravens by Azalea Ellis
A corruption of guilded ashes by Jessica Cage
A Corruption of Gilded Ashes by Jessica Cage
A curse of mayhem
A Curse of Mayhem by Sunayna Prasad
A dance with blood and destiny by KRS MCEntire
A Dance of Blood And Destiny by KRS McEntire
The dead wizards dream
A Dead Wizard's Dream by Ross Hughes
A discovery of time and space by lesley smith
A Discovery of Time and Space by Lesley L Smith
A drop of ink obsidian by Kish Knight
A Drop of Ink and Obsidian: Dark fantasy by Kish Knight
A Fire that whispers
A Fire That Whispersby Cully Mack
A game of gods
A Game Of Gods By Sean Michael Paquet
Book Cover: A King Reborn by Michael Lopez
A King Reborn by Michael Lopez
a master is born
A Master Is Born by Evan Bollinger
Book Cover: A New Witch in Town (Maybe Two) by Dani Corlee
A New Witch in Town (Maybe Two) by Dani Corlee
A Nighttime of Forever by Matthew S Cox
A nomad in spellbinding
A Nomad in Spellbinding Southeast Asia by Jess Caleb
Book Cover: A Paranormal Easter by Tiffany Carby et al.
A Paranormal Easter by Tiffany Carby et al.
A plague of hatred by Jeremiah Cain
A Plague of Hatred by Jeremiah Cain
Book Cover: A Poisoned Land by Craig P Roberts
A Poisoned Land by Craig P Roberts
A scream that shatters
A Scream That Shatters by Cully Mack
Book Cover: A Shot at the Big Time by Christina McMullen
A Shot at the Big Time by Christina McMullen
Book Cover: A Star-Reckoner's Lot by Darrell Drake
A Star-Reckoner's Lot by Darrell Drake
Book Cover: A Thousand And One Suns by Diamant Raobelina
A Thousand And One Suns by Diamant Raobelina
A Voice that Thunders
A Voice That Thunders by Cully Mack
A warrior's heart by AJ Page
A Warrior's Heart: A Tale of Eden by AJ Page
Book Cover: A World Without Trees by Joseph Blackhurst
A World Without Trees by Joseph Blackhurst
A wound in the earth
A Wound in the Earth by Jason Durant
Adult fairy tale romance
Adult Fairy Tale Romance by Joanna Mazurkiewicz
Advent of the relinquished
Advent of the Relinquished by Joshua Hooker
Book Cover: Adventurers of Fortune by Cooper J. Knight
Adventurers of Fortune by Cooper J. Knight
Aether sphere
Aether Sphere: Fading Dream by Nikolas Baxter
After Olympus
After Olympus by Santiago Xaman
Agathas daughter by allana seda
Agatha's Daughter by Allana Seda
Air and ashes by margaret mantor
Air and Ashes: YA sci-fi by Margaret Mantor
Alice in wonderland by lit fusion
Alice in Wonderland by Lit Fusion
An Orc's Despair by RJ Fratini
An Orc's Despair by RJ Fratini
Ancient Fangs
Ancient Fangs by Edmund A. M. Batara
Ancient Fangs By Edmund AM Batara
Ancient Fangs by Edmund A.M. Batara
Andromeda Rising A Blood on the Stars Adventure (Andromeda Chronicles Book 1) by Jay Allan
Andromeda Rising A Blood on the Stars Adventure by Jay Allan
Angelfire by D. Pittar & M. Buchanan
Angels and Patriots Book Three by Salina B Baker
Angels and Patriots by Salina B. Baker
Arakzeon city
Arakzeon City by T.M. Caruana
Arcane gateway
Arcane Gateway: A Paranormal Fantasy Saga by CL Carhart
Arcanum Astray
ARCANUM ASTRAY by Edmund A. M. Batara
Argren blue by Ross hightower
Argren Blue by Ross Hightower and Deb Heim
As Fire is to Gold by Mark McCabe
As Fire is to Gold by Mark McCabe
ashes to aether
Ashes of Aether by Holly Rose
Ashes of blood
Ashes of Blood by Lela Grayce
Aspects by D. C. Clemens
Aspects by D. C. Clemens
Book Cover: Atomic Underworld: Part Two by Jack Conner
Atomic Underworld: Part Two by Jack Conner
Avery's ghost
Avery's Ghost by Annie Newell
Azazel by Linwood Jackson Jr
Azazel: The Search for Life After Death by Linwood Jackson Jr
Backbones (The TriloGY Book 2) by Ants Ambridge
Backbones (The TriloGY Book 2) by Ants Ambridge
Bad Bargain A Space Rules Adventure Part 1 by Ian Cannon
Bad Bargain: A Space Rules Adventure Part 1 by Ian Cannon
Bad Moon Rising by DB Neilson
Bad Moon Rising: A Seven Sons Novel by DB Neilson
Badfreaky by Konstantinos Adamopoulos
Book Cover: Bait by Kasi Blake
Bait by Kasi Blake
Book Cover: Banished by L. M. Feldt
Banished by L. M. Feldt
Barnabas Tew and The Case of The Hellenic Abduction by Columbkill Noonan
Barnabas Tew by Columbkill Noonan
Book Cover: Bear Mated by Belinda Meyers
Bear Mated by Belinda Meyers
Beast be gone
Beast Be Gone by A.L. Billington
Becoming the Dragon by Alex Sapegin
Becoming the Dragon by Alex Sapegin
Book Cover: Before We Die Young by L.T. Quartermaine
Before We Die Young by L.T. Quartermaine
Behind that door by Hildan Looong
Behind That Door: Fantasy fiction by Hildan Loong
Behind the open door
Behind the Open Door: The Book of Light by Sally Gallot-Reeves
Book Cover: Between Two Worlds by Christy Santo
Between Two Worlds by Christy Santo
Beyond the Forest by Kim Ling
Beyond the Forest (Gem Powers Series Book 1) by Kay L. Ling
Birth into darkness
Birth Into Darkness by W.J.R. Parks
bite-size stories by Sharon Sherry
Bite-Size Stories | 22 Dark Tales by Sharon Sherry
Black dog of the sea
Black Dog of the Sea by Natasha Ruhwald
Blades Of Magic (Crown Service Book 1) by Terah Edun
Blades Of Magic by Terah Edun
Book Cover: Blood and Shadows by Dayne Edmondson
Blood and Shadows by Dayne Edmondson
Blood and stitches by Jade Christy
Blood and Stitches by Jade Christy
Blood of the Lily by SD Huston
Blood of the Lily by SD Huston
blood type racist
Blood Type Racist by Peter Recform
Blood Witch
Blood Witch by Rae Hendricks
Bloodfire by Helen Harper
Bloodfire (Blood Destiny Book 1) by Helen Harper
Bonding weekend by David raven
Bonding Weekend: Urban fantasy by David Raven
Book Cover: Bone Dust and Beginnings by Angela White
Bone Dust and Beginnings by Angela White
Born of Nothing by Jill Ramsower
BORN OF NOTHING by Jill Ramsower
Bought to break
Bought to Break by Kyra Alessy
The silver eclipse by Kristy Dixon
Boztoll by Kristy Dixon
Book Cover: Breaking Magic by Alex C Vick
Breaking Magic by Alex C Vick
Brett Wilson and De Leons Well by John V Suter
Brett Wilson and De Leon's Well by John V Suter
Brooke and the wolf by Valerie Jo
Brooke and the Wolf: Curses of Midnight Springs by Valerie Jo
Bulletproof Witch by FJ Blair
Bulletproof Witch by Francis James Blair
Book Cover: Butterfly Islands by Chris Seabranch
Butterfly Islands by Chris Seabranch
The horses wings by karen kanouse
By the Horse's Wings by Karen Kanouse
Book Cover: By Way of Sight by Colton Brown
By Way of Sight by Colton Brown
Book Cover: Call of the Dragonbonded: Book of Fire by JD Hart
Call of the Dragonbonded: Book of Fire by JD Hart
Camelot resurrection by Ryan Gaskin
Camelot Resurrection by Ryan Gaskin
Book Cover: Capering On Glass Bridges by Jessica Hernandez
Capering On Glass Bridges by Jessica Hernandez
Cat's quest
Cat's Quest Book 1 by Roman Prokofiev
Book Cover: Catalyst Moon: Incursion by Lauren L. Garcia
Catalyst Moon: Incursion by Lauren L. Garcia
Book Cover: Cedric the Demonic Knight by Valerie Willis
Cedric the Demonic Knight by Valerie Willis
Celena's pack by RL Wilson
Celena's Pack by RL Wilson
Chains of time
Chains of Time by R. B. Woodstone
Chains of Time by RB Woodstone
Chains of Time by R.B. Woodstone
Book Cover: Champions of the Dragon by Michael Ploof
Champions of the Dragon by Michael Ploof
Chaos exulting
Chaos Exulting by Brian Sherlock
Charani's gift
Charani's Gift: Historical fantasy fiction by Robert Nolin
Chasing Fae
Chasing Fae by Cady Hammer
Children of Kathaldi
Children of Kathaldi by Ron L. Lahr
Chosen for power
Chosen For Power: Hexe Volume One by Rex Baron
Book Cover: City in Embers by Stacey Marie Brown
City in Embers by Stacey Marie Brown
Book Cover: City of Gods: Hellenica by Jonathan Maas
City of Gods: Hellenica by Jonathan Maas
City of mask by ashley capes
City of Masks by Ashley Capes
City of rogues
City of Rogues by Ty Johnston
Clock's Watch by Michael Reyes
Clock's Watch by Michael Reyes
Clocks's Watch II by Michael Reyes
Clock's Watch II by Michael Reye
Cobasfang Justice Returns by David Walker
Cobasfang Justice Returns by David Walker
Concordance (The Corelight Expedition, Book 1) by C. M. Hayden
Concordance by C. M. Hayden
Cora by A. L. Hawke
CORA by A. L. Hawke
Counter strike by JT Skye
Counter Strike: The Empire Responds by JT Skye
Cracked open
Cracked Open by T.L. Christianson
Crown of blood
Crown of Blood and Wings by M.R. Polish
Cursed demon
Cursed Demon by Brogan Thomas
Curves and magic
Curves & Magic by multiple authors
Daemon Rising - Book One Ramfiram & Book Two DoomBringer by John William
Daemon Rising by John William
Daphne by Christopher Logan
daphne: Penguin Who Wanted to Fly by Christopher Logan
Crystal rose
Dark Crystal by Leah Rhoades
White lies by MR Noble
Dark Eyes: White Lies (The Dark Eyes) by MR Noble
Dark Realm
Dark Realm by Mary Vigliante Szydlowski
Dark Blood
Darke Blood by Lee Hall
Book Cover: Darkwater by DW Johnson
Darkwater by DW Johnson
Deadly Illusions Theres More To Magic Than Meets The Eye by Tim Jordan
Deadly Illusions by Tim Jordan
Book Cover: DEATH TRAIN by Daye Williams
DEATH TRAIN by Daye Williams
deaths awakening
Death's Awakening by Sarra Cannon
Deliverance by Kristy Centeno
Deliverance by Kristy Centeno
Delphus Paradox by J. T. Skye
Delphus Paradox: End of Earth by J T Skye
Demon Summoner
Demon Summoner: Apprentice by Greg Walters
Desert Plains By Andrew Gordon
Desert Plains: A New Frontier by Andrew Gordon
Destiny of Angels by Wendy Steele
Destiny of Angels by Wendy Steele
Destiny unbound by CA Hollister
Destiny Unbound by CA Hollister
Detours in Time by Pamela Schloesser Canepa
Detours in Time by Pamela Schloesser Canepa
Diary of a unicorn
Diary Of A Unicorn by A.M. Schmidt
Discovering Kai by Allana Seda
Discovering Kai by Allana Seda
Book Cover: Dominion (Life After Book 3) by Julie Hall
Dominion (Life After Book 3) by Julie Hall
Doomsday for the disco goblin
Doomsday for the Disco Goblin by Jonathan Culverhouse
Dragon Heart Stone Will. LitRPG wuxia series by Kirill Klevanski
Dragon Heart by Kirill Klevanski
Dragon Sky by Laurie woodword
Dragon Sky by Laurie Woodward
Dragon Slayer's kingdom
Dragon Slayer's Kingdom by David A. Werling
Dragon Tamer
Dragon Tamer by J.A. Culican & J.A. Armitage
Book Cover: DRAKON (4 Book Series) by C.A. Caskabel
DRAKON (4 Book Series) by C.A. Caskabel
Drakon Book 1 The Sieve
Drakon Book I: The Sieve by C. A. Caskabel
Book Cover: Drakon Book I: The Sieve by C.A. CASKABEL
Drakon Book I: The Sieve by C.A. CASKABEL
Book Cover: Dreadmarrow Thief by Marjory Kaptanoglu
Dreadmarrow Thief by Marjory Kaptanoglu
Dreamland Part 1: The Fabric of Dreams by B. S. Brunswick
Dreams Illuminate by Michelle Iden and Emerson Miller
Dreams Illuminate by Michelle Iden and Emerson Miller
Book Cover: Dreams in the Mist by AmBear Shellea
Dreams in the Mist by AmBear Shellea
Book Cover: Dreams in the Void by Jeffrey Aaron Miller
Dreams in the Void by Jeffrey Aaron Miller
Book Cover: Drean: Dragons Rising by James Brooks
Drean: Dragons Rising by James Brooks
Book Cover: Dryad's Touch by A. W. Graybill
Dryad's Touch by A. W. Graybill
Dynamicist by Lee Hunt
Book Cover: Edge of End by H.G. Suren
Edge of End by H.G. Suren
elemental rising
Elemental Rising by Toni Cox
Enchanted Souls by Rebekah Louise
Enchanted Souls by Rebekah Louise
Episode by Tracey Morait
Book Cover: ERTERA: RISING SHADOWS by Michelle Meraki
Everville by Roy Huff
Everville by Roy Huff
fae song
Fae Song by Deonne Williams
Fantastically twisted by Ava May
Fantastically Twisted by Ava May
Fantastically Twisted by Ava May
Fantastically Twisted by Ava May
Fantastically twisted gods and heroes by ava may
Fantastically Twisted by Ava May
Book Cover: Fayroll: More Than a Game by Andrey Vasilyev
Fayroll: More Than a Game by Andrey Vasilyev
Feasters The Circle
Feasters - The Circle by Solomon Petchers
Feisty Heroines
Feisty Heroines by Multiple Authors
Find me by Francesca Riley
Find Me (Immersed Book 1) by Francesca Riley
Firebolt by Adrienne Woods
FIREBOLT by Adrienne Woods
Fireflies by Shea Hulse
fireflies: A Celtic Romance Series by Shea Hulse
First Full Moon by Michelle Alstead
First Full Moon by Michelle Alstead
First lessons A Strong Woman in the Middle Ages (A Medieval Tale Book 1) by Lina J. Potter
First Lessons by Lina J. Potter
Five out of the dark
Five: Out of the Dark by Holli Anderson
Flame and crystal thorns
Flame and Crystal Thorns by Kay L Moody
Flames over Frosthelm by Dave Dobson
Flames Over Frosthelm by Dave Dobson
Flash Bang by DA Kloss
Flash Bang: A coming of age superhero adventure by DA Kloss
Book Cover: Fledgling: Book 1 (Afterlife) by Katrina Cope
Fledgling: Book 1 (Afterlife) by Katrina Cope
Flight to Bern village
Flight to Bern Village: Vastus by Jason Osiar
Book Cover: For Steam And Country by Jon Del Arroz
For Steam And Country by Jon Del Arroz
Book Cover: Forever & The Power of One by Eve Newton
Forever & The Power of One by Eve Newton
Forged by pain by bojan bilos
Forged By Pain: Historical fantasy by Bojan Bilos
Forging of a Knight
Forging of a Knight by Hugo V. Negron
Forging of a knight
Forging of a Knight by Hugo V. Negron
Book Cover: Forgotten by Krista Street
Forgotten by Krista Street
Book Cover: FOUND by Ashley Hohenstein
FOUND by Ashley Hohenstein
Frame of Magic
Frame of Magic by Jonathon McElhaney and Jonathon Haney
Freaks by Brett Riley
Freaks: A YA Novel by Brett Riley
Fresh off the starship
Fresh off the Starship by Ann Crawford
Friedas Cookies by Kenneth Warde
Frieda's Cookies by Kenneth Warde
From crystal mountains by cassandra Cielo
From Crystal Mountains: The Knight, The Power by Cassandra Cielo
Frostwing by Morgan lee clasper
frostwing: Dragonbond by Morgan Lee Clasper
full circle
Full Circle by Alfred Taylor
Galaxia: Thirteen Stories Spanning the Unknown Multiverse
Galaxia: Thirteen Stories Spanning the Unknown Multiverse
Garrett's Ghost by Pamela Ackerson
Garrett's Ghost by Pamela Ackerson
Gems of Fire: A Young Adult Fantasy by Diane E. Samson
Gems of Fire by Diane E. Samson
Gestation by John Gold
Gestation (LitRPG series) by John Gold
Book Cover: Gifted by Jim Ellis
Gifted by Jim Ellis
Gloriana by June Wilson
Book Cover: Goddess of Rain Jane Frkovich
Goddess of Rain Jane Frkovich
Gods and Guardians by R. W. Dove
Gods and Guardians by R. W. Dove
Book Cover: Gods vs Men Book 1 The Resurrection by James Palfi
Gods vs Men Book 1 The Resurrection by James Palfi
Book Cover: Gondell's Quest by Andy Lang
Gondell's Quest by Andy Lang
Goose Island by Lucinda Davis
Goose Island by Lucinda Davis
Book Cover: Grendel's Line by Max Mason
Grendel's Line by Max Mason
Book Cover: Half a Huntress by Thea Atkinson
Half a Huntress by Thea Atkinson
Half-Demon's Revenge by Lina J. Potter
Half-Demon's Revenge: A Dark Fantasy Story by Lina J. Potter
Book Cover: Hand of Miriam, A Bayla and the Golem Novel by Eva Gordon
Hand of Miriam, A Bayla and the Golem Novel by Eva Gordon
Book Cover: Harbinger by Travis I. Sivart
Harbinger by Travis I. Sivart
Hashtag Murder
Hashtag Murder by Brett Hicks
Book Cover: Heart Blade by Juliana Spink Mills
Heart Blade by Juliana Spink Mills
Book Cover: Hell Night by Matt Kincade
Hell Night by Matt Kincade
Book Cover: Hollownton Homicide by Gretchen S. B.
Hollownton Homicide by Gretchen S. B.
Home to McCarron's Corner by Sharon Middleton
Home to McCarron's Corner: Lily's Story by S. K. Middleton
Book Cover: House of Guardians - Sons of the Olympian Gods by Beatrice Sand
House of Guardians - Sons of the Olympian Gods by Beatrice Sand
I am not alone in here by Jeffrey McClain Jones
I Am Not Alone In Here by Jeffrey McClain Jones
Ice Crown by KL Moody
Ice Crown by Kay L. Moody
Ignatius and the Swords of Nostaw by D.A. Mucci
Igraine by Lavinia Collins
IGRAINE: complete trilogy by Lavinia Collins
Book Cover: Illuminarium by Truth Devour
Illuminarium by Truth Devour
Illusions - Ravens of Darkness by Elle Preston
In Pursuit of the Pale Prince by Mark Wallace Maguire
In Pursuit of The Pale Prince by Mark W. Maguire
Book Cover: Inheritance by Rachel Adair
Inheritance by Rachel Adair
Book Cover: Inside Evil by G. Wakeling
Inside Evil by G. Wakeling
Into the game by C A A Allen
Into The Game by C. A. A. Allen
Into the undercastle by alexander dawnrider
Into the Undercastle by Alexander Dawnrider
Book Cover: Isis Wept by Stephan Michael Loy
Isis Wept by Stephan Michael Loy
Issaura's Claws
Issaura's Claws by Katharine E. Wibell
Jack in Reality
Jack in Reality by Tony Garrod
Book Cover: Jaeth's Eye: The Agartes Epilogues Book One by K.S. Villoso
Jaeth's Eye: The Agartes Epilogues Book One by K.S. Villoso
Janna of the Castle Ambrose
Janna of Castle Ambrose by Jordan Elizabeth
Johnny Lycan and the vegas berserker by Wayne Turmel
Johnny Lycan & the Vegas Berserker by Wayne Turmel
Jon Bragg
Jon Bragg Blue Essence by Kenney Myers
Book Cover: Judas by Roy Bright
Judas by Roy Bright
Judas by Roy Bright
Judas by Roy Bright
Book Cover: Kaavl Conspiracy by Jennette Green
Kaavl Conspiracy by Jennette Green
Kaleidescopic by David Neuman
Kaleidoscopic Shades: Within Black Eternity by D Neuman
Kamatari & Minoru by Dan Arman
Kamatari & Minoru Hate Bones and other stories by Dan R Arman
Keep on asking new cover by Jeffrey McClain Jones
Keep on Asking: A Supernatural Christian Novel by Jeffrey McClain Jones
Keepers of the Dawn by Herb J Smith II
Keepers of the Dawn by Herb J. Smith II
Kept to kill
Kept to Kill by Kyra Alessy
Key 13 by Rose Titus
Key 13 And Other Stories by Rose Titus
Key of glory by ED Robson
Key Of Glory: The Sorceress Carer Book One by ED Robson
Killer domes and the chosen one by Gibbo Gibbs
Killer Domes and the Chosen One by Gibbo Gibbs
Book Cover: Kindling by Angel Blackwood
Kindling by Angel Blackwood
Kingsrise by Anne Mattias
Kingsrise: A magical crime mystery by Anne Mattias
Kiran by Ellen Stellar
Kiran: The Warrior's Daughter by Ellen Stellar
Book Cover: Knight's Gauntlet: From Slayer to Shepherd by C.E. Knight
Knight's Gauntlet: From Slayer to Shepherd by C.E. Knight
Book Cover: KYLE THE ORDER'S WARDEN by E. Zeni
LIFE in the 23rd Century
L.I.F.E. in the 23rd Century by Jason R. Richter
La Lividum by Merciella Heartstorm
La Lividum by Merciella Heartstorm
Lady of fire by Janeen O'Kerry
Lady of Fire by Janeen O'Kerry
Lake Girl by Cynthia Kumanchik
Lake Girl by Cynthia Kumanchik
Book Cover: Le Garde Royal (French Edition) by Deborne Arnaud
Le Garde Royal (French Edition) by Deborne Arnaud
Book Cover: Legacy of Dolyn by Amelia Guillem
Legacy of Dolyn by Amelia Guillem
Leyna Book 1: A Fantasy Romance Adventure by Helen E. Peters
Leyna by Helen E. Peters
Like Feathers of a Wing by Diane Olsen
Like Feathers of a Wing by Diane Olsen
Lions of virtue
Lions of Virtue: The Warrior and the Child by Aviilokin K'ishi
Book Cover: Little Black Stormcloud by R. A. Westbrook and S. L. Westbrook
Little Black Stormcloud by R. A. Westbrook and S. L. Westbrook
Little girl can dance by Tracy Wagner
Little Girl Can Dance by Tricia D. Wagner
Book Cover: Lodestone: Witch-Hunt by Wendy Scott
Lodestone: Witch-Hunt by Wendy Scott
Book Cover: Logan by Julie Hall
Logan by Julie Hall
Loki of Midgard- The Making of a Magician by Jennifer Meinking
Loki of Midgard by Jennifer Meinking
Bems and bugs
Lone Huntress: BEMS AND BUGS by Andrew Miller
Book Cover: Looking for Dei by David A. Willson
Looking for Dei by David A. Willson
Lords of the winter stars
Lords of the Winter Stars by Edita A. Petrick
Lost by Ron Vitale
A soulmark series books 1-3 by Rebecca Main
Lycan & Vampire Soulmark Series by Rebecca Main
Mage's mountain
Mage's Mountain by Steve Peek
Magoch by N R Lovitt
Magoch: Young and Lost in a New Era by N. R. Lovitt
Maiden's Peak by Kristy E Carter
Maiden's Peak by Kristy E. Carter
Book Cover: Mannethorn's Key by Simon Lindley
Mannethorn's Key by Simon Lindley
Marilla the warlord
Marilia, the Warlord by Morgan Cole
Book Cover: MARKED by D. Laine
MARKED by D. Laine
Marked by Joshua Hedges
Marked: The Child Doomed by Prophecy by Joshua Hedges
Merlin's Curse by Lavinia Collins
MERLIN'S CURSE by Lavinia Collins
Mind's journey
Mind's Journey: The King's Quest by William H. Dewayne
mirror crossed
Mirror Crossed by L. J. Maines
Miss Goodone by Anne OS
Miss Goodone: The Truth Behind the Door by Anne O.S. 
Moonlight chronicles
Moonlight Chronicles by J. Marcell Russell
More Than a Game - Epic LitRPG Adventure (Fayroll - Book 1) by Andrey Vasilyev
More Than a Game by Andrey Vasilyev
More than a Game by A Vailyev
More Than a Game by Andrey Vasilyev
Morgawse trilogy
Morgawse by Lavinia Collins
Mother of the King: powerful historical fantasy romance (The Igraine Trilogy Book 3)
Mother of the King by Lavinia Collins
mountain of fangs
Mountain Of Fangs by Carlo Hart
Book Cover: My Scottish Warrior by Petra Patija
My Scottish Warrior by Petra Patija
Neglected merge
Neglected Merge by Eve Koguce
New Eden cover
New Eden by Kishore Tipirneni
No Happy Endings by Gábor Eichammer
No Happy Endings by Gábor Eichammer
No way home
No Way Home by Christy Cooper-Burnett
Northern Knights
Northern Knights by Todd Matthews
Novice necromancer
Novice Necromancer by Amy B. Nixon
Nutcracker of crystalfall by kay moody
Nutcracker of Crystalfall by Kay L Moody
Obedience by MT Ames
Obedience by M.T. Ames
Of flames and embers
Of Flames & Embers by I.R.
Of squires and knights by Vancheyson
Of Squires and Knights by BJ Vancheyson
Of throns and beauty
Of Thorns and Beauty by Elle Madison
Book Cover: Oliver Griffon and the Witch's Curse by Stephen Huggins
Oliver Griffon and the Witch's Curse by Stephen Huggins
Island of grotesque
On the Island of the Grotesque by Joel Gillham
Once upon a fairy tale night
Once Upon a Fairy Tale Night by Multiple Authors
Outlasting After by LK Magill
Outlasting After by LK Magill
Packing serious magical mojo by Brenda Trim
Packing Serious Magical Mojo by Brenda Trim
Pantheon by Joshua Landerso
Pantheon by Joshua Landeros
Past Legends by AF Stewart
Past Legends by A. F. Stewart
Patch 17: Epic LitRPG (Realm of Arkon, Book 1) by G. Akella
Patch 17: Epic LitRPG by G. Akella
Book Cover: Peter And The Band Of Pirates by Bruce Mercury, TL Jones
Peter And The Band Of Pirates by Bruce Mercury, TL Jones
Book Cover: Phoenix Child by Alica Mckenna-Johnson
Phoenix Child by Alica Mckenna-Johnson
Pig and bird dream like unicorns
Pig and Bird DREAM Like Unicorns by Donna Bardash
Planar Wars Apertures (Book 1) by Edmund A.M. Batara
Planar Wars: Apertures (Book 1) by Edmund A.M. Batara
Potion voyages by jeremy dwyer
Potion Voyages Mystery Book by Jeremy Dwyer
Princess of Sky, Earth, Fire and Water by Cassandra Finnerty
Princess of Sky, Earth, Fire and Water by Cassandra Finnerty
Princess of Wind and Sea by Cassandra Finnerty
Princess of Wind and Sea by Cassandra Finnerty
Qualify by Vera Nazarian
Qualify by Vera Nazarian
Radioactive Evolution by Richard Hummel
Radioactive Evolution by Richard Hummel
Ragnarok Rising by Edmund A M Batara
Ragnarok Rising by Edmund A.M. Batara
The accidental archmage
Ragnarok Rising by Edmund A.M. Batara
Ragekai Winds by Peter Buckmaster
Ragnekai Winds by Peter Buckmaster
Book Cover: Red Night ~ Vampire Files Trilogy #1 by RK Close
Red Night ~ Vampire Files Trilogy #1 by RK Close
Relentless blades by Russell Carroll
RELENTLESS BLADES by Russell Carroll
Return to Alkademah by GK Chandler
Return to Alkademah by GK Chandler
Rift: Seoul Searching by Mana Lee
The Rise of Gaia by Kristin Ward
Rise of Gaia by Kristin Ward
Rise of the Protector by Winn Taylor
Rise of the Protector (Jinx Chronicles) by Winn Taylor
Roman mythology by Adrian Danvers
Roman Mythology by Adrian Danvers
Royal Magic - Dominique Pryor
Royal Magic - young adult fantasy by Dominique Pryor
Book Cover: Royal Outlaw by Kayla Hudson
Royal Outlaw by Kayla Hudson
Book Cover: Runic Awakening by Clayton Taylor Wood
Runic Awakening by Clayton Taylor Wood
Book Cover: Russian Roulette by May Freighter
Russian Roulette by May Freighter
Book Cover: Russian Roulette by May Freighter
Russian Roulette by May Freighter
S.T.E.A.M.C.A.P.P. The Rising of the Moon by J.T. Murphy
Salem Burning by Daniel Sugar
Salem Burning by Daniel Sugar
sea of glass by Tricia D. Wagner
SEA OF GLASS by Tricia D. Wagner
Secrets of the catalogue by Amelia Spencer
Secrets of the Catalogue by Amelia Spencer
Secrets of the mermaid
Secrets of the Mermaid by Catherine Stine
Sessions by B. J. Thompson
Sessions: A Psychological Noir by B. J. Thompson
Book Cover: Shades - The Demise of Blake Beck by Anders Rauff-Nielsen
Shades - The Demise of Blake Beck by Anders Rauff-Nielsen
Shades of Betrayal (The Fae Games Book 3) by Jill Ramsower
Shades of Betrayal by Jill Ramsower
Shades of Betrayal by Jill Ramsower
Shades of Betrayal by Jill Ramsower
Shadow crusade
Shadow Crusade by Jessaca Willis
Shadow of the winter moon by Cam Sinclair
Shadow of the Winter Moon by Cam Sinclair
Book Cover: Shadow Play by Jill Ramsower
Shadow Play by Jill Ramsower
Shadow Souls (The Mal'Ak Cycle Book 1) by Christopher A. Nooner
Shadow Souls (The Mal'Ak Cycle Book 1) by Christopher A. Nooner
Book Cover: Shadowzone by Simon Rose
Shadowzone by Simon Rose
Shock of fate
Shock of Fate by D. L. Armillei
Sigma Protocol: Jane Poole Genesis Part One by Michael Penmore
Sigma Protocol (Jane Poole Genesis Part One) by Michael Penmore
Silver fire
Silver Fire by Freya Pickard
Sins of the serpent king by Delizhia Jenkins
Sins of the Serpent King: Dark fantasy by Delizhia Jenkins
Book Cover: Siren's Call by Jessica Cage
Siren's Call by Jessica Cage
Book Cover: SKIP BOOK ONE by Perrin Briar
SKIP BOOK ONE by Perrin Briar
Skypunk princess
Skypunk Princess by David Colello
Sold to serve
Sold to Serve by Kyra Alessy
Something Grimm This Way Comes
Something Grimm This Way Comes by multiple authors
Son of Waves by Dylan Robert Tauber
Son of Waves: A Screenplay by Dylan Robert Tauber
Songs of War by Pepijn Westdijk
Songs of War: A Dance of Darkness by P. Westdijk
Sons and Brothers Legends of the Family Dyer by David W. Thompson
Sons and Brothers by David W. Thompson
Book Cover: Sophie's Light by Matthew S. Cox
Sophie's Light by Matthew S. Cox
Book Cover: Sora's Quest by T. L. Shreffler
Sora's Quest by T. L. Shreffler
Sora's quest
Sora's Quest by T. L. Shreffler
Book Cover: Souled Out by Blakely Chorpenning
Souled Out by Blakely Chorpenning
Book Cover: Spanners: The Fountain of Youth by Jonathan Maas
Spanners: The Fountain of Youth by Jonathan Maas
Spearthrower by D Braisted
Spearthrower by D Braisted
Spirit sight
Spirit Sight by Ross Hightower
Book Cover: Stiger: Tales of the Seventh by Marc Alan Edelheit
Stiger: Tales of the Seventh by Marc Alan Edelheit
Book Cover: Stiger's Tigers by Marc Alan Edelheit
Stiger's Tigers by Marc Alan Edelheit
Stirring Embers
Stirring Embers by W. Killian and L. Starker
Stories of the Mother Bear by Myrtle Brooks
Stories of the Mother Bear by Myrtle Brooks
Storm wavily and the pirates ahoy
Storm Wavily & the Pirates Ahoy Cozy Mysteries by V. Ehsani
Storm's Herald: Stormfall Chronicles Book 1 by J.W. Golan
Storm's Herald: Stormfall Chronicles Book 1 by J.W. Golan
Strand of Faith by Rachel J Bonner
Strand of Faith by Rachel J Bonner
Strand of Faith by Rachel J Bonner
Strand of Faith by Rachel J. Bonner
Book Cover: STRUCK by Amanda Carlson
STRUCK by Amanda Carlson
Super Cintanella by Phoenix K Brown
Super Cintanella by Phoenix K. Brown
The sword of betrayal by Robert Evert
Sword of Betrayal by Robert Evert
Tails of the masses by Wilde Philips
Tails of the Masses by Wilde Philips
Tale of a body thief
Tale of a Body Thief by Kristy Centeno 
Dark tales from dreamland
Tale of the Werewolf's Wand by Jeremy Robertson
Talented by Debbie Civil
Talented by Debbie Civil
Tales from fog world
Tales From Fog World by Erick Mertz
Tales from the 4th dimension JP Cawood
Book Cover: Tales From Virdura by Graham Downs
Tales From Virdura by Graham Downs
Witches and wyverns by S Ramsey
Tales of Witches and Wyverns by S Ramsey
Tamed by Tana Stone
Tamed by Tana Stone
TARO - Legendary Boy Hero of Japan by Blue Spruell
Tears of a heart
Tears of a Heart by Chase Blackwood
Teddy Lancaster
Teddy Lancaster and the Eye of Naroshi by Johnny Rapp
Book Cover: Telemachus And Homer By Scott Locke
Telemachus And Homer By Scott Locke
Tendrils of the dark by Hildon Loong
Tendrils of the Dark: Fantasy romance by Hildan Loong
The 10K bug by Abhay Adil
The 10K Bug by Abhay Adil
Book Cover: The Accidental Archmage by Edmund A.M. Batara
The Accidental Archmage by Edmund A.M. Batara
Book Cover: The After Death Afterlife of Ronald Foster by R. D. Turvil
The After Death Afterlife of Ronald Foster by R. D. Turvil
the agency
The Agency: Complete Series by C. C. Bolick
Alter of my fate
The Altar of My Fate by Michael R. Schultheiss
The Arctic Circle
The Arctic Circle by Ben Stone
Book Cover: The Arrival by Nicole MacDonald
The Arrival by Nicole MacDonald
The Assembly of Thirteen: The First Two Companions by Omayra Vélez
The Assembly of Thirteen by Omayra Vélez
The Awakening by L C Ainsworth
The Awakening by L C Ainsworth
The awakening
The Awakening by Ryan Sova
The Awakening by Ryan Sova
The Awakening: A Dark Fantasy Novel by Ryan Sova
Book Cover: The Beauty in Darkness by Leah Reise
The Beauty in Darkness by Leah Reise
The beauty in darkness by Leah Reise
The beauty in darkness by Leah Reise
The black veldt
The Black Veldt by Michael Reyes
The Blood Order by Eric Jay
The Blood Order by Eric Jay
The blood prince
The Blood Prince by Marie Blanchet
The book thieves
The Book of Thieves and the Joker's Game by S. Friesen
Book Cover: The Boy From The Forest by Wayne McKinstry
The Boy From The Forest by Wayne McKinstry
The Boy Who Dreamt the World by Jethro Punter
The Boy Who Dreamt the World by Jethro Punte
Book Cover: The Brass Squire by EA Hooper
The Brass Squire by EA Hooper
Book Cover: The Breathing Sea I: Burning by E.P. Clark
The Breathing Sea I: Burning by E.P. Clark
The Broken Earth Pact by Antoine Turpin
The Broken Earth Pact by Antoine Turpin
The call of death
The Call of Death by R. J. Garcia
The call of magic
The Call of Magic by A.R.C.
the cardinal gate
The Cardinal Gate by Amy Cissell
Book Cover: The Cinderella Plan by Diana Flame
The Cinderella Plan by Diana Flame
The Convergence
The Convergence: Secret of the Blood Cave by Chad R. Noris
The Cremelino Prophecy
The Cremelino Prophecy by Mike Shelton
The Crystilleries of Echoland by Dew Pellucid
The Crystilleries of Echoland by Dew Pellucid
Book Cover: The Dark Season Saga by Yehya H. Safwat
The Dark Season Saga by Yehya H. Safwat
The Darkest Eyes by Mick Brady
The Darkest Eyes by Mick Brady
The darkest gift
THE DARKEST GIFT by Len Handeland
The Daughter of Darkness by David Miller
The Daughter of Darkness by David Miller
The day of destiny
The Day of Destiny by Lavinia Collins
The dead cast no shadow
The Dead Cast No Shadow by Marlene Pardo Pellicer
Book Cover: THE DEVIL'S MOUTH by Matt Kincade
THE DEVIL'S MOUTH by Matt Kincade
The Dim Continent by Jo Sparkes
The Dim Continent: Series Finale by Jo Sparkes
Book Cover: THE DOG THAT LAID EGGS by Jonathan Maas
The Dragon Wakes by Sarah Dalton
The Dragon Wakes by Sarah Dalton
The dragon's back
The Dragon's Back: YA fantasy fiction by E.S. Matthew
Book Cover: The Dragon's Blade: The Reborn King by Michael R. Miller
The Dragon's Blade: The Reborn King by Michael R. Miller
The dragons breath
The Dragon's Breath Book by Carol Weakling
The dragons slave
The Dragon's Slave by Lacey St. Sin
The dreaming land 1
The Dreaming Land I: The Challenge by E.P. Clark
The Dreaming Land III - The Sacrifice (The Zemnian Series Book 7) by E.P.Clark
The Dreaming Land III: The Sacrifice by E.P. Clark
The drunken weed by Ed Robson
The Drunken Weed by ED Robson
The Elementalist
The Elementalist: Rise of Hara by T.M. White
The elements of the crown
The Elements of the Crown by Kay L Moody
The Elfkin Journals Blending Of The Races by JDeVereS
The Elfkin Journals: Blending Of The Races by JDeVereS
The elfkin journals
The Elfkin Journals: Blending Of The Races by JDeVereS
The Elusive Highlander by Ju Ephraime
The Elusive Highlander: Time Travel Romance by Ju Ephraime
The Emerald Assassin by Ellie Margot
The Emerald Assassin by Ellie Margot
The Emerald King
The Emerald King by R. J. Fratini
The enchanted crossroads
The Enchanted Crossroads by Dora Blume
The epsilon account by Joni Parker
The Epsilon Account by Joni Parker
The Eva Chronicles
The Eva Chronicles by Livia Lance
The exiled by Jason leigh Smith
The Exiled by Jason Leigh Smith
The Extraordinary Tales of Melody Magic by Alex Woburn
The Extraordinary Tales of Melody Magic by Alex Woburn
The Eyes of Courage by James A Fisher
The Eyes of Courage by James A Fisher
Book Cover: The Fairytale Chicago of Francesca Finnegan by Steve Wiley
The Fairytale Chicago of Francesca Finnegan by Steve Wiley
The fall of cadoria by Paul Willson
The Fall of Cadoria by Paul Willson
Book Cover: The Fall of Lilith by Vashti Quiroz-Vega
The Fall of Lilith by Vashti Quiroz-Vega
The Final Offering by J. G. Gatewood
The Final Offering by J. G. Gatewood
Book Cover: The Finding by Jenna Elizabeth Johnson
The Finding by Jenna Elizabeth Johnson
The Finding - The Legend of Oescienne (Book One) by Jenna Elizabeth Johnson
The Finding by Jenna Elizabeth Johnson
Book Cover: The Forest and the Farm by Vance Huxley
The Forest and the Farm by Vance Huxley
The forgotten by Ka Stefana
The Forgotten: The Realms of Darkness by KA Stefana
The free
The Free by Dan O'Sullivan
The frights of fiji
The Frights of Fiji by Sunayna Prasad
Gallus Ultimatum by Brian A Hawkins
The Gallus Ultimatum by Brian A. Hawkins
Book Cover: The Game by A. Dalcourt
The Game by A. Dalcourt
The gathering
The Gathering by S. L. Dearing
The gentle art of forgetting
The Gentle Art Of Forgetting by Richard Easter
The gig by Terry Vinson
The Gig: Horror fantasy fiction by Terry Lloyd Vinson
The girl of Dorcha wood
The Girl of Dorcha Wood by Kristin Ward
The girl who sees angels
The Girl Who Sees Angels by Jeffrey McClain Jones
The Goddess Gambit (No Gods, No Masters Book 1) by B. Michael Stevens
The Goddess Gambit by B. Michael Stevens
The Golden Claw: An Urban Fantasy Action Adventure by K.A. Faul Laurie Starkey and Michael Anderle
The Golden Claw by K.A. Faul Laurie Starkey & Michael Anderle
Book Cover: The Goliath Code by Suzanne Leonhard
The Goliath Code by Suzanne Leonhard
Book Cover: The Grass Sweeper God by Doug Howery
The Grass Sweeper God by Doug Howery
The halfling rises
The Halfling Rises by Livia Lance
The Harmony scroll
The Harmony Scroll by Edita A. Petrick
The heir comes forth
The Heir Comes Forth by R. S. Gullett 
Book Cover: The Holy War by Chris Lowry
The Holy War by Chris Lowry
Book Cover: The Hound's Prey by S.M. ALLAN
The Hound's Prey by S.M. ALLAN
Book Cover: The Hound's Prey by S.M.Allan
The Hound's Prey by S.M.Allan
The hunted
The Hunted by Robert G. Schweiner
The Hydro Gene (A Compendium of Magiks Book 1) by Chase Peter Josef
The Hydro Gene by Chase Peter Josef
The hyena's stare by sandra clark
The Hyena's Stare: Urban Fantasy by Sandra Clark
The Impailer's Wife by Autumn Bardot
The Impailer's Wife by Autumn Bardot
The imposed path by Timothy David
The Imposed Path: The Gem Keepers Saga by Timothy David
Moojie Littleman by Robin Gregory
The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman by Robin Gregory
The Irispire Portal
The Irispire Portal by Robinson Castillo
The island
The Island by Sean Platt & Johnny B Truant
Book Cover: The Joined Realm by Robert Vane
The Joined Realm by Robert Vane
The Kidnapped Smile by Laurie Woodward
The Kidnapped Smile by Laurie Woodward
The kings peace
The King's Peace by Kevin Hammond
Book Cover: The Last Mutineers: Stigmata Rising by Patrick M. Bedont Jr.
The Last Mutineers: Stigmata Rising by Patrick M. Bedont Jr.
The last of sages
The Last of the Sages by Julius St. Clair
the last wizard
The Last Wizard at The End of the World by M. Wallace Maguire
legend of decimus croome
The Legend of Decimus Croome by Kevin Purdy
Book Cover: The Lightning Luminary by RS McCoy
The Lightning Luminary by RS McCoy
The Limpet Syndrome by Tony Moyle
The Limpet Syndrome: How to Survive the Afterlife by Tony Moyle
the lioness diaries
The Lioness Diaries Book One by Iris Champion
The lord of darkness returns
The Lord of Darkness Returns by R.S. Gullett
Book Cover: The Lost Phoenix Rises by Brittany Smith
The Lost Phoenix Rises by Brittany Smith
The lost queen
The Lost Queen by Traci Lovelot
The Lost Tower by Eric Martinez
The Lost Tower by Eric Martinez, Laurie Starkey & Michael Anderle
Book Cover: The Lost Treaty by Hunter Solomon Regenold
The Lost Treaty by Hunter Solomon Regenold
The magical Meniscus by GranRan
The Magical Meniscus by GranRan
The maidens thorn
The Maiden's Thorn by Dan Arman
The Mascherari by Laura Rahme
The Mascherari: A Novel of Venice by Laura Rahme
Book Cover: The Mermaid and the Treasure of the Bay by A. Algeri
The Mermaid and the Treasure of the Bay by A. Algeri
Book Cover: The Midnight Land by E.P. Clark
The Midnight Land by E.P. Clark
The might of the coming vril ya
The Might of the Coming Vril-Ya by RR Pearl
Book Cover: The Moonchild by Heidi Catherine
The Moonchild by Heidi Catherine
The necromancer's dragon
The Necromancer's Dragon by Amy B. Nixon
The Nexus by Vered Ehsani
The Nexus by Vered Ehsani
The nightmare machine by Tim White
The Nightmare Machine by Tim White
The Orphan's Secret by RJ Francis
The Orphan's Secret by R J Francis
The perfect waters
The Perfect Waters: Odessa Book One by LeeSha McCoy
The Persistence of Memory Book 1 Déjà Vu
The Persistence of Memory Book 1: Déjà Vu by Karen Janowsky
The Pox Academy by Warren Mead
The Pox Academy by Warren Mead
Book Cover: The Real World: Doilies, Tiaras and Blood by Andrew Richey
The Real World: Doilies, Tiaras and Blood by Andrew Richey
The redemption of jarek
The Redemption of Jarek by Dylan Madeley
The reincarnationist
The Reincarnationist Papers by D. Eric Maikranz
The Return of the Eternals
The Return of the Eternals by Gabriela Fišerová 
Book Cover: The Ring of Eman Vath by Hal Emerson
The Ring of Eman Vath by Hal Emerson
The rose contract
The Rose Contract by Scottie Kaye
The Rusted Lantern by Bill Patterson
The Rusted Lantern by Bill Patterson
Book Cover: The Sapphire Legend, Part I by E. L. Tenenbaum
The Sapphire Legend, Part I by E. L. Tenenbaum
The seam of eternity by Rocco Levitas
The Seam of Eternity by Rocco Levitas
The Second Son by Wayne McKinstry
The Second Son by Wayne McKinstry
The sword empire
The Secret of Azuron by J.R. Kearney
Book Cover: THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN RING by Nancy K Moore
The Secrets of the Kings by Nora Delzelle
The Secrets of the Kings by Nora Delzelle
The SEEING by Steve Peek
The SEEING by Steve Peek
The servant of Mieses by Paul Somerville
The Servant of Mieses by Paul R Somerville
The shop on the peculiar hill
The Shop on Peculiar Hill by Grimly Darkwood
The shopgirls prophecy
The Shopgirl's Prophecy by Anna Abner
The sigil masters
The Sigil Masters by Rick Duffy
The Snowtigers Trail by Watson Davis
The Snowtiger's Trail by Watson Davis
The son of light
The Son of Light Book 1: Rebirth by Chris Parker
Book Cover: The Sons of Animus Letum by Andrew F. Whittle
The Sons of Animus Letum by Andrew F. Whittle
The sorcerer's tome
The Sorcerer's Tome by Phillip Sealey
Book Cover: The Sorceress' Prophecy by Carson Watson
The Sorceress' Prophecy by Carson Watson
Book Cover: The Sorcerous Crimes Division: Devilbone by Scott Warren
The Sorcerous Crimes Division: Devilbone by Scott Warren
The Sorcery Trial by JA Armitage and Claire Luana
The Sorcery Trial by J.A. Armitage and C. Luana
Book Cover: The Soul Cursed Protector by A.E. Stanfill
The Soul Cursed Protector by A.E. Stanfill
The spiral of my destiny
The Spiral of My Destiny by Michael R. Schultheiss
The Steel Hounds by Vladimir Vasilenko
The Steel Hounds by Vladimir Vasilenko
The stone of radnor
The Stone of Radnor by Paul R Somerville
The strider and the regulus
The Strider and the Regulus by Tricia D Wagner
The Survivors by Angela White
The Survivors by Angela White
The Sword of Kaigen: A Theonite War Story by M. L. Wang
The Sword of Kaigen: A Theonite War Story by M. L. Wang
Book Cover: The Sword to Unite by Peter Hopkins
The Sword to Unite by Peter Hopkins
The Teleporter by Lee Hall
The Teleporter by Lee Hall
The Thirteenth Guardian by KM Lewis
The Thirteenth Guardian by KM Lewis
Book Cover: The Tiger's Fate by Marc Alan Edelheit
The Tiger's Fate by Marc Alan Edelheit
The tribesmen of juno by Robert I Katz
The Tribesmen of Juno by Robert I Katz
The unknown man
The Unknown Man by J. G. Gatewood
The verindon alliance
The Verindon Alliance by Lynne Stringer
The Warrior Queen by Lavinia Collins
THE WARRIOR QUEEN  by Lavinia Collins
The weave of fate
The Weave of Fate by SL Matthews
The well of shadows
The Well of Shadows by Sabrina Blaum
The westman by Christopher Storm
The Westman by Christopher John Storm
The Wicked Wolves ofWindsor by Byrd Nash
The Wicked Wolves of Windsor: and other fairytales by Byrd Nash
The Wild Hunt
The Wild Hunt by Ron C. Nieto
Book Cover: The Wind Riders by Kris Kramer
The Wind Riders by Kris Kramer
Book Cover: The Windwalker Trilogy by Michael James Ploof
The Windwalker Trilogy by Michael James Ploof
THE WITCHES OF AVALON a thrilling Arthurian fantasy by Lavinia Collins
THE WITCHES OF AVALON by Lavinia Collins
The witches world in ocean
The Witches World In Ocean By Elijah Edwin
The wizard slayer by Franklin Roberts
The Wizard Slayer by Franklin Roberts
Book Cover: The Wolf Riders of Keldarra by Nathalie M.L. Römer
The Wolf Riders of Keldarra by Nathalie M.L. Römer
Book Cover: The World of Ato by Patrick Borosky
The World of Ato by Patrick Borosky
The yawning gap by CV Vobh
The Yawning Gap by CV Vobh
Their village, their fortress by Dylan Madeley
Their Village, Their Fortress by Dylan Madeley
Theonite Planet Adyn by M. L. Wang
Theonite: Planet Adyn by ML Wang
They came by night by Andrew Bathgate
They came by night by Andrew Bathgate
This time around
This Time Around by Mark Leslie
Thorns of chaos by Jeremiah Cain
Thorns of Chaos by Jeremiah Cain
Through the darkness by Jared Barber
Through Darkness They Will Come by Jared Barber
Tidings of hardship by Rob Snyder
Tidings of Hardship by Rob Snyder
Timestamped by B. Patrick Bruce
Timothy Williams Demon Hunter by Iestyn Long
Timothy Williams Demon Hunter by Iestyn Long
Tomorrow's end
Tomorrow's End by G.R. Morris
Trading Darkness: A Dark Fairytale by Lisa Hofmann
Trading Darkness: A Dark Fairytale by Lisa Hofmann
Transit awakening by E Miles Williams
Transit Awakening: The Ny'Zeri Portal Saga by E Miles Williams
Book Cover: Trials of a Fairy Godfather by Charles Thompson
Trials of a Fairy Godfather by Charles Thompson
Twilight Siege by Jill Ramsower
Twilight Siege: A Dark Fantasy Novel by Jill Ramsower
Twisted Roses World of Regina by Marcus Garner Illustrated by Julian Shaw
Twisted Roses by Marcus Garner
Twisting time by DF Jones
Twisting Time by DF Jones
Una Bo by Dr Rebecca Verghese Paul
UNA BO: The Magic Tree Of Love by Dr Rebecca Verghese Paul
Undead by Kerry Adrienne & L.A. Boruff
Underworld rising by Jane Frkovich
Underworld Rising by Jane Frkovich
Unearthed by Marc Mulero
Unearthed by Marc Mulero
urban mythic box set
Urban Mythic Box Set by multiple authors
Viking mania
Viking Mania by Robert Peterson
Book Cover: Vincent, Survivor by O.L. Eggert
Vincent, Survivor by O.L. Eggert
Virtue and Vengeance by M. A. Liguori
Virtue and Vengeance by M. A. Liguori
Book Cover: Walking Between Worlds: The Complete Trilogy by J.K. Norry
Walking Between Worlds: The Complete Trilogy by J.K. Norry
Weeds grow near roads by Ben Brilliant
Weeny meeny's halloween
Weeny Meeny's Halloween by Marin Darmonkow
Book Cover: Welcome to Grim Dudgeon by Cedric Nye
Welcome to Grim Dudgeon by Cedric Nye
When oceans rise by robin alvarez
When Oceans Rise by Robin Alvarez
Book Cover: When We Were Dragons by Brandon Berntson
When We Were Dragons by Brandon Berntson
Where the cats will not follow by Stephen Stromp
Where the Cats Will Not Follow by Stephen Stromp
Book Cover: Whill of Agora: Book 1 by Michael Ploof
Whill of Agora: Book 1 by Michael Ploof
Whispers of the time museum by wilhelm porterfield
Whispers of the Time Museum by Wilhelm Porterfield
Whispers of War (Plague of Red Book 1) by Eric Arbolast
Whispers of War (Plague of Red Book 1) by Eric Arbolast
Willow of Ashes: A Necromancer Epic Fantasy (NecroSeam Chronicles Book 1) by Ellie Raine
Willow of Ashes by Ellie Raine
Book Cover: Wings of Crystal by Karen Kanouse
Wings of Crystal by Karen Kanouse
Winter enchantment by Malina Douglas
Winter Enchantment by Malina Douglas
Witches, knaves and fairy graves
Witches, Knaves & Fairy Graves by Ron Randall
Wolf of the Tesseract by Christopher Schmitz
Wolf of the Tesseract by Christopher D. Schmitz
Book Cover: Wolf Rampant Box Set by Aimee Easterling
Wolf Rampant Box Set by Aimee Easterling
historical fiction on Kindle
Wolf's Head by Steven A. McKay
Worship the night
Worship the Night by Mary Vigliante Szydlowski
Book Cover: Writers of the Future 30 L Ron Hubbard
Writers of the Future 30 L Ron Hubbard
Yesteday Time and Tomorrow by Edward Rabroziss
Yesterday, TIME, and Tomorrow by Edward Rabroziss
Zen and the Art of Dying by Jared Wynn
Zen and the Art of Dying by Jared Wynn
Zombie Diaries Homecoming Junior Year The Mavis Saga by R. W. K. Clark
Zombie Diaries Homecoming Junior Year by R.W.K. Clark