
July 8, 2021

A just society is possible! How to bring about a better world

Ever wondered why there is such an extreme wealth gap in today’s society? Do you struggle to comprehend how despite all the technological advancements humanity has been capable of, there are still people going hungry or living without a roof over their heads? Astonishing as it may be, don’t become disenchanted: there is no need to accept reality as it is. If you want a nuanced approach to understanding the complexities of the social and economic challenges facing us, but are also keen to explore practical solutions to them, this is the book for you!

A JUST SOCIETY: The World after Neoliberalism by David Dasic Ph.D

Just $0.99 on Kindle now!


A Just Society is a study of the distribution of social wealth with a focus on justice and how it impacts the economic status of individuals, groups, and states to create a society free of exploitation. It gives an insightful critique of neoliberalism and neoliberal distribution of assets in society characterized by an extreme wealth gap. With proven methodologies, this book illustrates how the capitalist exploitation of workers on the threshold of the third decade of the twenty-first century is crueler and more heartless than its earlier incarnations of the nineteenth century.

The current system, imposed and fiercely maintained by the existing world order, is not only socially unacceptable but also politically unsustainable. For justice to prevail in a society, there must be alternatives to the neoliberal system that eliminate the division into the rich and the poor. This can be achieved by a new, fairer, more desirable, and responsible society that chooses social justice and explores a third path in the future development of a society like liberal socialism. In A Just Society, Professor David Dj. Dasic explores in-depth how the distribution of wealth affects our social, political, and economic reality and the tools indispensable for building an equitable society reflecting the young generation’s struggle against the existing social order.

Regardless of your political stand, economic beliefs, or ideological spectrum, A Just Society is the perfect book to help you understand the complex social reality in which we live and work.