
September 29, 2022

A comic memoir from an addict to self-help!

Get off my boat Tim by RS Moon

Do you find yourself reaching out for expert advise to know which side of the bed to wake up on in the morning? Are you eaten away by indecision when it comes to daily living? Ever thought of actually doing without all the advice, taking the plunge and finding your own way? This book will entertain you whilst encouraging you to finally assert yourself!

Get Off My Boat, Tim: The Dark Side of Self-Help by R. S. Moon

On Kindle now!


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Can an addiction to self-help destroy you?

Learning to French kiss at the age of eleven, by way of the seedy back pages of the Penny Saver, Rae got her first hit of self-help and never looked backed.

Rae seeks wisdom from authors and bloggers to prepare for milestones, to overcome challenges, and to win at everything.

Rae’s expert-supported self-education covers oral sex, breaking the glass ceiling, relationships, marriage, divorce, motherhood, and even the patriarchy.

But what if the claims sold by health, wealth, and success “experts” didn’t work?

In fact, what if their advice actually complicated life?

Does that say something about them or her?

In this fictionalized memoir, Get Off My Boat, Tim: The Dark Side of Self-Help, author R.S. Moon tackles these questions, and chronicles her own comedic, heart-rending, sometimes raunchy, descent into self-help addiction.

Rae’s journey to gain an edge takes her down a path she never expected with plenty of Gen-X grit, nicotine, and more than a few beers along the way.

You won’t regret setting sail with Rae as she throws Tim Ferriss and the rest of her self-help gurus overboard as she looks to find peace and self-acceptance in a messy world.