
April 26, 2024

Fun and frolics in the courtroom? Guilty as charged!

Fancy a good giggle? Well, apparently the world of law and order might not be quite as stuffy and serious as we first thought. Take a little look into a lawyer’s life and have a laugh… at their expense for a change. After all, they can afford it. Ha ha! Packed with jokes and stories that are especially poignant to those of you working in the field yet undeniably accessible to us all, this entertaining handbook will cheer up your day. We promise you’ll be hooked from the first page or… tell it to the Judge!

Lawyer Humor Handbook: The Complete Tome of Lawyer Jokes, Stories, Amusing Transcripts, Puns, and Witticisms by Ronald H Clark

$0.99 on Kindle now!

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Cheer yourself and others up with the Lawyer Humor Handbook. Excellent resource for ice breaking when you are giving a speech, need a fun gift—especially for a lawyer, or want to lighten up any gathering or celebration. This Handbook compiles the whole gamut of lawyer jokes, stories, puns, court transcripts with lawyer faux pas, and other lawyer witticisms.

In this Handbook you’ll find:

210 Humorous lawyer stories
• 62 Courtroom transcripts with lawyer gaffes
83 Question and answer lawyer jokes
• 19 Law school amusements
38 Punchy puns and word-play bits
• 2 Legal writing funny pieces
26 Hilarious one-liners
To bring a chuckle or a laugh-out-loud experience get and share a copy of the Lawyer Humor Handbook.